Returns TypoCheckResult type words that match or are similar to the word to be checked チェックする単語に合致、もしくは類似する単語をTypoCheckResult型で返却します
fn main() {
let a = "typ";
let typo_chec_result = typo_checker::check_a_word(a.to_string(), Some(2), 5, None);
println!("typo_chec_result: {:?}", typo_chec_result);
typo_chec_result: TypoCheckResult { match_word: None, similar_word_list: Some([SimilarWord { spelling: "type", levenshtein_length: 1, typo_type: MissingCharacters { character: 'e', position: Tail } }, SimilarWord { spelling: "gyp", levenshtein_length: 1, typo_type: CloseKeyboardPlacement }, SimilarWord { spelling: "tup", levenshtein_length: 1, typo_type: CloseKeyboardPlacement }, SimilarWord { spelling: "tap", levenshtein_length: 1, typo_type: UndefinedType }, SimilarWord { spelling: "tip", levenshtein_length: 1, typo_type: UndefinedType }]) }