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A lookup table based method to calculate $y = {\rm log}_b(x)$ with a controllable error, where $b > 0$, $b ≠ 1$, $x > 0$, and $x$ shall be the IEEE754 floating-point normal numbers.

💽 Installation

julia> import Pkg;
julia> Pkg.add("ApproxLogFunction");

👨‍🏫 Usage

🔌 Exposed Functor

The exposed constructor :

Approxlog(base::Real; abserror::Real, dtype::Type{<:AbstractFloat})

where base is the radix of logarithm operation, abserror is the maximum absolute error of the output and dtype is the data type of input and output value, for example :

alog₂  = Approxlog(2, abserror=0.1, dtype=Float32);
input  = 5.20f2;
output = alog₂(input);

📈 Error Visualization

using Plots, ApproxLogFunction

figs = []
base = 2
t  = -2f-0 : 1f-4 : 5f0;
x  = 2 .^ t;
y₁ = log.(base, x)
for Δout in [0.6, 0.3]
    alog = Approxlog(base, abserror=Δout, dtype=Float32)
    y₂ = alog.(x)
    fg = plot(x, y₁, linewidth=1.1, xscale=:log10);
    plot!(x, y₂, linewidth=1.1, titlefontsize=10)
    push!(figs, fg)
plot(figs..., layout=(1,2), leg=nothing, size=(999,666))


🥇 Benchmark

Some unimportant information was omitted when benchmarking.

💃🏻 Scalar Input

julia> using ApproxLogFunction, BenchmarkTools;
julia> begin
           type = Float32;
           base = type(2.0);
           Δout = 0.1;
           alog = Approxlog(base, abserror=Δout, dtype=type);
julia> x = 1.23456f0;
julia> @benchmark y₁ = log($base, $x)
 Time  (median):     21.643 ns

julia> @benchmark y₁ = log2($x)
 Time  (median):     14.800 ns

julia> @benchmark y₂ = alog($x)
 Time  (median):     74.129 ns

👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 Array Input

julia> using ApproxLogFunction, BenchmarkTools;
julia> begin
           type = Float32;
           base = type(2.0);
           Δout = 0.1;
           alog = Approxlog(base, abserror=Δout, dtype=type);
julia> x = rand(type, 1024, 1024);
julia> @benchmark y₁ = log.($base, $x)
 Time  (median):     21.422 ms

julia> @benchmark y₁ = log2.($x)
 Time  (median):     11.626 ms

julia> @benchmark y₂ = alog.($x)
 Time  (median):     5.207 ms

Calculating scaler input is slower, but why calculating array input is faster ? 😂😂😂

⚠️ Attention

About The Input Range

Error is well controlled when using IEEE754 floating-point positive normal numbers, which is represented as :

$$ x = 2^{E-B} \ (1 + F × 2^{-|F|}) $$

where $0 &lt; E &lt; (2^{|E|} - 1)$ is the value of exponent part, $|E|$ is the bit width of $E$, $F$ is the value of fraction part, $|F|$ is the bit width of $F$, and $B=(2 ^ {|E| - 1} - 1)$ is the bias for $E$. So the range for an Approxlog object's input is $[X_{\rm min}, X_{\rm max}]$, where

$$ \begin{aligned} X_{\rm min} &= 2^{1-B} \ (1 + 0 × 2^{-|F|}) &&= 2^{1-B} \\ X_{\rm max} &= 2^{(2^{|E|}-2)-B} \ \big(1 + (2^{|F|}-1) × 2^{-|F|}\big) &&= 2^{B} \ \big(1 + (2^{|F|}-1) × 2^{-|F|}\big) \end{aligned} $$

In short, for Float16 input, its range is :

$$ 2^{1-15} \le X_{\rm Float16} \le 2^{15} \ \left( 1 + (2^{10} -1) × 2^{-10} \right) $$

for Float32 input :

$$ 2^{1-127} \le X_{\rm Float32} \le 2^{127} \ \left(1 + (2^{23} -1) × 2^{-23}\right) $$

and for Float64 input :

$$ 2^{1-1023} \le X_{\rm Float64} \le 2^{1023} \ \left(1 + (2^{52} -1) × 2^{-52}\right) $$

As to positive subnormal numbers, the result is not reliable.

About The Base Range

We have mentioned $b ≠ 1$, but base value closing to $1$ is not recommended, e.g. $1.0001$, $0.9999$.

📁 C-Lang Files

Interface function :

toclang(dir::String, filename::String, funcname::String, f::Approxlog)

dir is the directory to save the C language files (dir would be made if it doesn't exist before), filename is the name of the generated .c and .h files, funcname is the name of the generated approximate function and f is the approximate log functor, for example :

alog₂ = Approxlog(2, abserror=0.12, dtype=Float32)
toclang("./cfolder/",  "approxlog", "alog", alog₂)

this would generate approxlog.c and approxlog.h files in ./cfolder/, the function is named as alog .


A lookup table based method to calculate y = log(b, x)







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