Dask kubernetes deployment exemple WIP - Poor content atm. - need rework/testing. This is an experiementation project.
kubectl apply -f dask-nsp.yaml
Create a "dask" namespace.
kubectl apply -f dask-master-sa.yaml
Create a service account for the dask "master" to manage pods.
kubectl apply -f dask-master-rb.yaml
Create a role binding with the necessary roles for pods management.
kubectl apply -f dask-master.yaml
Create the "master" deployment named "python" we will attach to.
kubectl -n dask get pods
List all pods.
- Copy the "pod/python-...." pod name without the "pod/" part.
eg: "python-6b77cf9894-n2s4k"
kubectl -n dask exec -it THE_POD_NAME bash
Where THE_POD_NAME is what you copied the step before.
You are now inside the pod.
pip install pyvim
Text editor to add/edit code files.
- Copy/paste files :
- requirements.txt
- dask-master.py
- dask-worker.yaml
Eg with pyvim : Copy the requirements.txt content,
pyvim requirements.txt
, paste,:wq
. pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup is done !
python dask-master.py; export CODE=$?; echo $(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S) $CODE
- exits with error code 137.
- exits with error code 1.
and :
distributed.scheduler.KilledWorker: ("('from_pandas-AN_UUID', 2000)", <Worker 'tcp://AN_IP:A_PORT', memory: 0, processing: 9999>)
eg: from_pandas-AN_UUID -> 'from_pandas-b823d0872c18ebc1510e9e03b3ccf52a'