- Python 3.12
- docker-compose
Create a directory to mount the docker-compose volumes
cd dbt_w_trino_w_iceberg/
mkdir minio_volume postgres_volume
Run the following command to start the trino server
cd dbt_w_trino_w_iceberg/
env UID=${UID} GID=${GID} docker compose up
Run the following command to setup the dbt environment
cd dbt_w_trino_w_iceberg/dbt
python3.12 -m venv --prompt dbt-trino .venv
source dbt/.venv/bin/activate
pip install poetry
poetry install
Run the following command to run dbt
cd dbt_w_trino_w_iceberg/dbt
dbt run
docker run -it --rm --network host trinodb/trino:463 trino --catalog iceberg http://localhost:8080
trino> select * from dbt.any_to_any_v1_0;
from_currency | to_currency | rate
EUR | EUR | 1.0
GBP | EUR | 1.4285714285714286
USD | EUR | 0.7692307692307692
EUR | GBP | 0.7
GBP | GBP | 1.0
USD | GBP | 0.5384615384615384
EUR | USD | 1.3
GBP | USD | 1.8571428571428574
USD | USD | 1.0
(9 rows)
cd dbt_w_trino_w_iceberg/airbyte
sh ingest.sh
cd dbt_w_trino_w_iceberg/dbt
dbt show --inline 'select * from {{ source("airbyte", "airbyte_raw_data") }}'
title DBT x Trino
Person_Ext(user, "User")
Rel(user, dbt, "dbt run")
Rel(user, cli, "trino cli ...")
Boundary(dbt_dir, "dbt_w_trino_w_iceberg/dbt") {
System(dbt, "DBT", "Runs the queries")
System(cli, "Trino cli", "Trino cli to interact with iceberg")
Rel(cli, trino, "Query")
System(dbt, "DBT", "execute query")
Rel(dbt, trino, "Query")
Boundary(dockercompose, "Docker Compose", "Runs the services") {
Boundary(compute, "Compute", "Runs the queries") {
System(trino, "Trino", "Query engine")
Boundary(storage, "Storage", "Stores data and metadata") {
SystemDb(postgres, "Postgres", "Stores Iceberg metadata")
System(minio, "MinIO", "Stores Iceberg data files")
Rel(trino, postgres, "Stores metadata")
Rel(trino, minio, "Stores data")
Boundary(airbyte_dir, "dbt_w_trino_w_iceberg/airbyte") {
SystemDb(airbyte_data, "data.csv")
System(airbyte_src, "source-csv")
System(airbyte_dest, "destination-iceberg")
Rel(airbyte_src, airbyte_data, "Read data")
Rel(airbyte_dest, airbyte_src, "Read records")
Rel(airbyte_dest, postgres, "Write metadata")
Rel(airbyte_dest, minio, "Write data")
UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="1", $c4BoundaryInRow="3", $c4BoundaryInRow="2")