This demonstrates the use of event-mesh for a use case for the US Army. The objective is to run the message brokers in a bandwidth constrained enviornment such as a war-zone.
For this demo, the "war-zones" were simulated by deploying a web-app and VMRs to multiple clouds. The "netem" command was used on the servers to limit bandwidth.
The brokers were hosted in AWS, GCP and Azure. In addition, AWS Rekognition was used for the AI/ML features.
List of PubSub+ features used ...
- MQTT/Websockets
**Try the live demo in action here:
This repository contains three subfolders:
- rekognition: This folder contains the code for the Rekognition Lambda
- mobile-app: This folder contains the code for the mobile/web app that the soldiers would use in the battlefield
- dashboard-app: This folder contains the code for the dashboard that subscribes to the Solace PubSub+ Software broker hosted in Solace Cloud and displays the results of the Rekognition API
To check out the project, clone this GitHub repository:
git clone
cd geekathon-team-6
To run each component, navigate to the subfolder (mobile-app and dashboard-app) and follow the steps located there. The rekogonition lambda will have to be deployed in AWS for it to take affect
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