Welcome to IDE-Haskell plugin for amazing Atom editor! This plugin is intended to help you with development in Haskell.
NOTE: You must install dependencies in addition to installing the package itself. Refer to documentation site https://atom-haskell.github.io/ for setup and usage instructions.
You can join #atom-haskell on FreeNode, and devs can usually be found there. Bear in mind that if someone's on the channel, it doesn't necessarily mean they aren't AFK.
If you're not familiar with IRC, you can use FreeNode's webchat
Here is a brief and incomplete overview. Visit https://atom-haskell.github.io/ for more details.
If you have ide-haskell-cabal
or similar package installed, you can build,
clean and test your project from ide-haskell (stack and cabal supported)
Ide-haskell provides service-hub API with ide-haskell-upi
More information is available in lib/upi.coffee source file
- Cabal project autodetection (via language-haskell)
- Errors, warnings and linter (via haskell-ghc-mod)
- Get type at point (via haskell-ghc-mod)
- Autocompletion (via haskell-ghc-mod and autocomplete-haskell)
- Code beautify
- Cabal project management (with ide-haskell-cabal)
- Jump to definition (since haskell-ghc-mod 1.3.0, or with ide-haskell-hasktags)
- Interactive REPL (alpha, with ide-haskell-repl)
- Stack project management (with ide-haskell-cabal)
- Who calls and vice versa
- Documentation support
Changelog is available here.
Copyright © 2015 Atom-Haskell
- Nikolay Yakimov
- Alexander Chaika
- John Quigley
- Ondřej Janošík
- Luka Horvat
- Gabriel Gonzalez
- Daniel Beskin
- Gabor Greif
- Daniel Gröber
See the LICENSE.md for details.