Go mini-web framework
How to use tiger framework
Step 1 Ensure config/config.json are setup correctly for your environment.
Step 2 Start to add your application specific code in util/http/handler_util.go Refer to the relevant package documentation on how to do it.
Step 3 Compile by running go build. tiger.exe or tiger will be created.
Step 4 From Windows Command Prompt or Linux terminal, execute tiger.exe or tiger &
Step 5 Use a browser and navigate to your configured url in Step 1 config.json e.g http://localhost:8000 You should see a message I am alive! This mean your http server is up and running. To shutdown, send a SIGINT signal. Ctrl-C for Windows Command Prompt. kill -SIGINT for Linux.
Install below Go dependency packages separately
Step 1 go get -v github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
Step 2 go get -v golang.org/x/text
View the framework documentation
Step 1 godoc -http=localhost:6060
Step 2 Use a browser and navigate to http://localhost:6060/pkg/tiger/
Any bug/suggestion/feedback can mail to [email protected]
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