Releases: sogou/srpc
Releases · sogou/srpc
srpc v0.10.3
- TRPC Protocol : get service_name from ‘func’ instead of ‘callee’
Bug Fixes
- Thrift Parsing : fix list<bool>, single line comment bug and return type with space
srpc v0.10.2
New features
- Trace : make RPCTraceOpenTelemetry default path modifiable
- RPCVar : add HistogramCounter
- RPCClient : add interface for client callee timeout
- RPCClientParams : support setting transport_type, such as TT_UDP, etc.
- RPCVar : reset() in expose() after every report interval
- RPCModule : add filter_name and differentiate the var reported by each filter
- RPCServerParams : use SERVER_PARAMS_DEFAULT to initialize
- RPCVar : change the count of each Histogram bucket from accumulation to set value
- rpc_http : revert srpc::HttpServerTask
Bug Fixes
- RPCCompress : invoke deflateEnd/inflateEnd to release memory in gzip
- RPCVar : fix concurrent bug when CounterVar will loop data and SummaryVar::observe()
- RPCVar : add lock and flag when RPCFilterPolicy report()
- Trace : call RPCModule::server_task_end() after serialize_meta() and fix some bugs
- RPCBuffer : fix read_back boundary
srpc v0.10.1
New features
- trans_info : add trans_info through trpc and trpc-http protocol
- rpc_context : add get_timeout_reason()
- rpc_var : add RPCTimeWindow and TimedGaugeVar
- RPCClient : add interface for client callee timeout
- bazel : update bazel libsrpc name
- cmake : set Protobuf_LIB_DIR and Protobuf_LIBRARY
- rpc_module : use series->get_specific() for RPCModuleData
- rpc_module : update metrics proto files and add scope_name for OpenTelemetry
Bug Fixes
- brpc : fix brpc get_attachment bug
- srpc_generator : fix parsing thrift
- rpc_status : fix rpc status bug in rpc_callback
srpc v0.10.0
New features
srpc tools :
Add tools named 'srpc' for building Workflow and SRPC project easily;
Basic command : http, redis, rpc, api, proxy, file, compute;
srpc_generator :
Support getopt_long and more params;
Bug Fixes
test :
Fix building test when gtest >= 1.13.0;
srpc v0.9.8
New Features
- Support thrift union;
- find_pacakge require protobuf >= 3.5.0;
- Improve the directory to find dependent proto files;
- Avoid no-rtti influence protobuf;
- Add in trace and metrics attributes;
Bug Fixes
- Fix RPCMetricsOTel and update docs;
- Fix the usage of inet_ntop();
- Fix RPCVarLocal deconstructor and CounterVar::create();
srpc v0.9.7
- Add metrics, support both Prometheus and OpenTelemetry;
- Support JsonPrintOptions on RPCContext;
- Support server set HTTP response code; Support get/set_http_header();
- Support batch report spans to OpenTelemetry;
- Change span to KeyValue trans_info in rpc_meta.proto;
- Support transport baggage in trans_info;
- Update Cmake file: make both static and dynamic lib;
- Check protobuf >= 3.11.0 and snappy >= 1.1.6 in Cmake file;
- Add runtime library option on Windows;
Bug Fixes
- Fix thrift string init bug and parsing bug;
- Fix thrift client skeleton;
- Fix compilation with VCPKG;
srpc v0.9.6
- Update srpc_generator args: [protobuf|thrift] idl_file out_dir;
- Add set_uri_fragment() for task;
- Update example of using upstream in srpc;
- Change peer.service to in Span;
- Add documents;
Bug Fixes
- Fix srpc_generator crash when out_dir doesn't exist;
- srpc_generator skips google/protobuf/*.proto;
srpc v0.9.5
- Update the format of trace_id and span_id. Make RPCSpanDefault consists with RPCSpanOpenTelemetry.
- Support caller in trpc protocol.
- Support thrift default value.
- Add docs to clarify the usage of HTTP request.
- Modify Cmake files to find installed package.
Bug Fixes
- Remove srpc_generator checking file length.
- Supports __BIG_ENDIAN and fix ntohl in thrift.
- Correct Span module timestamp nano.
srpc v0.9.4
- Support thrift IDL keywords: exception extend typedef;
- Update span context with OpenTracing specification;
- Add log() and baggage() for task/context;
- Add rpc proxy demo;
Bug Fixes
- Fix segment fault when output directory doesn't exist;
- Fix attachment crash and RPCBuffer::cut() bug;
- Fix srpc_generator incorrect dir_prefix;
- Fix span_id to parent_span_id bug;
srpc 0.9.3
- Support TRPC protocol and TRPC-Http protocol;
- Add RPCModule;
- Set rpc client default to keep-alive connection (30 secs);
- Support SRPC http chunked encoding;
- Support bazel build;
Bug Fixes
- Update generator for thrift skeleton codes;
- Fix parser's error about multiple line comments;