Atom package for using Arcadia
Connect to Arcadia's socket REPL
Send things to Arcadia (e.g. line, selection, etc.)
Use Arcadia's debugger
May be some other things :)
The Atom IDE Terminal package
For a REPL connection, an external program such as nc or telnet
A wrapper for convenient line-editing, such as rlwrap
In Unity:
- Start up an Arcadia project
In Atom:
Open the Arcadia project's directory
Invoke the command Connect To Arcadia Socket Repl (via the command palette, package submenu, etc.).
After a terminal window appears, verify the displayed command string and press the Enter key with the terminal in focus.
Perform magic by typing things at Arcadia
With an appropriate .clj file open in Atom:
- the current line,
- selection,
- file, or
- block (non-empty lines between empty lines)
may be sent to the REPL via the editor's context-sensitive menu.
There may be other commands available via the context-sensitive menu too :)
This package does not register any keybindings. Some suggestions to be placed in keymap.cson are:
'atom-text-editor[data-grammar="source clojure"]':
'ctrl-\' c': 'harlock:connect-to-arcadia-socket-repl'
'ctrl-\' d': 'harlock:disconnect'
'ctrl-\' l': 'harlock:send-line'
'ctrl-\' s': 'harlock:send-selection'
'ctrl-\' b': 'harlock:send-block'
'ctrl-\' f': 'harlock:load-file'
'ctrl-\' F': 'harlock:send-file'
'ctrl-\' w': 'harlock:switch-to-file-ns'
This package was heavily influenced by Atom Chlorine (@mauricioszabo) and VSCode Arcadia (@worrel). Thanks to both authors (and contributors).