Resources is an open source service with a web interface0 and a WebAPI. It lets easily manage resources registered and located in the country, look up resources by type, properties or owners and manage ownership relations.
The application's backend is developed using Spring and JPA/Hibernate.
View technology may vary for each framework. Here, JSP views are (re)used for most of current implementations. Thymeleaf is also planned to be used as alternative to JSPs.
URLs under /users, /roles etc. must be accessibleChecked to only logged users with right privileges. This requirement implemented using Spring Security
- Check out the project source code from github : git clone
- Import resources_MYSQL_DB.sql to newly created schema named mydatabase
- Open a terminal and run the following command from root directory : mvn install
- Choose a web framework to test and run it. For example : cd todolist-web-springmvc && mvn tomcat7:run
- Browse the following URL : localhost:8080/
- You can register a new account or login using the following credentials : dbuser1 / 12345