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Rhombic Dodecadedron

Lauren-Nilsson edited this page Apr 2, 2020 · 11 revisions

Capsomere Design

Hepatits B Virus

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) readily dimerizes in solution. The atomic-structure of the virus is a truncated prism with a large electronegative spike.

All-atom cartoon Surface charge density

HBV is a dimorphic virus which assembles into T=3 and T=4 (90 and 120-unit) icosahedral capsids from this single subunit.

Rhombic Dodecahedron

On pathway to simulating HBV virus, we modify the angles of the bonding faces to promote smaller capsid assembly. We promote 12-unit rhombic dodecahedron assembly. We use the size and mass of HBV subunits coarse-grained to 41 beads with charge and lennard-jones patterning.

Beads Edges Faces

Lennarnd-jones attraction pattern:

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