SBDIO I4.0 is an industrial research project which aims to sustain local industries in their digitalization process, fostering transitions from a product economy to a services economy.
SBDIO I4.0 project stems from the needs of all the companies belonging to the industrial automation chain and based in the Emilia-Romagna Region, with the goal to simplify the transition from a product economy to a services economy.
The main objective of the project is the creation of a smart platform capable to offer a double servitization process for the industries: in the production (shopfloor) and in the post-sales services. This progressive transition can be developed by using an innovative approach based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms applied on big data.
The project involves 5 industrial research laboratories belonging to 3 Universities and 1 research center in addition to the participation of 7 companies.
- Big Data: to adopt new big data technology in industrial field
- Industry 4.0: transition from a product economy to a services economy
- Artificial Intelligence: servitization of both production and post-sales services
- Machine Learning: Predictive models to anticipate maintenance actions and breakdown
- Python: Python 3.*
- Packages: requirements.txt
$ cd source
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Inside the timely folder, there are the models and transformed implemented and tested in industrial use case, instead in demo there is an example of anomaly detection application
- CNN AutoEncoder
- LSTM AutoEncoder
- MLP AutoEncoder
- Setup Clustering
- Isolation Forest
- One Class SVM
- Local Outlier Factor (LOF)
- PCA Anomaly Detection
- One Threshold