#CSV2Lucene A simple utility to index CSV contents and performe fulltext search on it. It relies on Apache Lucene so you get its powerful query language
##Usage The utility is built into a fatjar, so you just need to have Java 7 installed
java -jar csv2lucene-1.1.2.jar <path-to-csv-file>
java -jar csv2lucene-1.1.2.jar -gui
You can pick a sample into the examples directory:
java -jar target/scala-2.10/csv2lucene-1.1.2.jar examples/Brands_Share_of_Voice_201507071516_comments.csv
Preparing to Index ...
Indexing examples/Brands_Share_of_Voice_201507071516_comments.csv ...
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Explore your CSV content
Type help to get detailed information
Press [tab] to auto-complete fields
Press q to quit
Default field for query terms: content
- Press [tab] to autocomplete of CSV's fields
- Full Lucene Query support, type
- Index/Tokenize all CSV fields
- AccentInsensitive (são paulo and sao paulo matches)
- Parameter
to open a visual file selector
##Build Use sbt to build:
sbt assembly