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42 School - C++ (CPP) Modules

This repository contains the C++ (CPP) modules completed as part of the curriculum at 42 School. Each module consists of a series of exercises designed to reinforce and expand my knowledge of C++ programming concepts.

Module List

Module 00 - Namespace, class, member functions, stdio stream, initialization lists, static


Module 01 - Memory allocation, References, Pointers to members, File streams
Module 02 - Ad-hoc polymorphism, operators overload, and canonical classes
Module 03 - Inheritance


  • Inheritance And Polymorphism: YouTube
  • C++ What is class inheritance?: YouTube
  • Multiple Inheritance in C++: geeksforgeeks
  • Multiple Inheritance // Giving your classes multiple parents: YouTube
  • Multiple Inheritance Deep Dive: YouTube
  • Hybrid Inheritance in C++ with Diamond Problem: YouTube
Module 04 - Subtype polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces


  • Polymorphism in C++ | Compile time vs Run time Polymorphism: YouTube
  • C++ Subtype Polymorphism and Virtual Functions: YouTube
  • Virtual Functions & Abstract Classes in C++: YouTube
  • Abstract Classes And Pure Virtual Functions: YouTube
  • Declare abstract class in c++: stackoverflow
  • C++ Programming/Classes/Abstract Classes/Pure Abstract Classes: Wikibooks
  • What is the difference between abstract class and pure abstract class in C++?: stackoverflow
  • Interfaces in C++ (Pure Virtual Functions: YouTube
  • Interfaces in C++ (Pure virtual functions): YouTube
  • C++ Programming: Abstract and Interface Classes: YouTube
  • Abstract Class vs Pure Abstract Class | Interface | OOP C++: YouTube
  • What are Forward declarations in C++: geeksforgeeks
  • What are forward declarations in C++?: stackoverflow
  • C++ : How to copy / clone a STL List or Sub List: thispointer
Module 05 - Try/Catch and Exceptions


Module 06 - C++ casts


Module 07 - C++ templates


  • C++ Function Template programiz
  • C++ Class Templates programiz
  • Overloading Subscript or array index operator [] in C++ geeksforgeeks
  • Why use a "tpp" file when implementing templated functions and classes defined in a header? stackoverflow
  • Candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting types for parameter: <const T &> vs <T &> stackoverflow
Module 08 - Templated containers, iterators, algorithms


Module 09 - STL


Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the desired module/exercise directory:

    cd CPP00/ex00
  3. Compile and run your program:

    ./PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE_NAME (Depends on the exercise most are default [a.out] or the number of the exercise [ex00])

Feel free to send questions or improvements for module exercises.


All CPP Modules for 42 School



