Developed by the 0xBitcoin Community
A pool for mining RC20 Tokens
CSS Colors:
- improve colors
- more workers (jsonrpc listeners?)
- two eth accounts .. xfers and mints
- separate geth
- why does it say 'Reply:OK' ??
npm install -g node-gyp
sudo apt-get install build-essential
npm install
npm run webpack #(to build the website files)
rename 'sample.account.config.js' to 'account.config.js' and fill it with the pool's ethereum account data
install redis-server and make sure it is running
Edit pool.config.js to your tastes
Edit the website files in /app to change the look of the website
npm run server #(or npm run server test for Ropsten test net)
- Point a poolminer at your pool using http://localhost:8586 (or ipaddress:8586 or (make sure firewall allows this port)
- View website interface at http://localhost:3000 (you can set up nginx to serve the static files in /public)
- sudo apt-get install redis
- sudo service redis-server start
- Redis will serve/connect at localhost:6379 by default - the pool will use this port
LRANGE broadcasted_payments 0 -1
- Add more clustering/workers and more JSONRPC/socket ports to handle heavy loads
- Make sure good solns ARE BEING TRANFERRED