Common lisp bindings to wlc for making wayland window managers.
Currently cl-wlc only works properly with ecl.
It can run on sbcl and ccl but they are more unstable and after you exit the wm you will get errors.
cl-wlc provides bare but lispy api to wlc.
All the functions from wlc.h have been translated and most of them work.
I didn't have success with cffi's translate methods so some callback functions take pointer as parameter but there are functions to get lispy value from them.
Build tools for wlc, see
cd to your quicklisp local-project directory
git clone
cd cl-wlc
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd wlc && mkdir target && cd target && cmake .. && make && sudo make install
now you should be able to succesfully load cl-wlc from your lisp with (ql:quickload :cl-wlc)
You should study orbment to get idea how to really use wlc.
attribute attribute-type - more info
views list of views
mask int
resolution list of ints (width height)
mask int
type int, *override* *unmanaged* *splash* *modal* *popup*
state int, *maximized* *fullscreen* *resizing* *moving* *activated*
parent view
output output
title string
id string
geometry list of origin and size
x int
y int
int w
int h
calbacks that take size as parameter receive pointer, you can use function (ref-wlc-size size) => (w h)
c-struct that has byte mods and byte leds.
mods, shift 1 caps 2 ctrl 4 alt 8 mod2 16 mod3 32 log0 64 mod5 128
Not sure what the different leds values mean.
keyboard-key and pointer-button callbacks have argument of type modifiers.
Currently modifiers is pointer, you can use fuction (ref-wlc-modifiers modifiers) => (mods leds) ; where mods and leds are ints.
(use-package :cl-wlc)
(run-wm '("my-wm-name" "--log" "/home/log"))
;;; starts the wm
;;; Cotrol + Esc - quit
;;; C-f - start weston-terminal
;;; there is also more simplified function for testing purposes
;;;start the wm
(run-wm (argv &key threaded view-created view-destroyed view-focus
output-created output-destroyed output-focus
output-resolution keyboard-key pointer-button
pointer-scroll pointer-motion touch compositor-ready))
If key parameters functions are provided they will set callback variables, otherwise they use the default placeholder function.
Callback variables are named cl-wlc:callback-function-name
For example cl-wlc:callback-view-created
To redefine callback function you need setf the value of callback variable to the new function.
; when running on differend thread standard output might not be the output you want
(defvar out *standard-output*)
(use-package :cl-wlc)
(defun my-view-created (view)
(format out "view created~%")
(run-wm '("dummy") :threaded t :view-created #'my-view-created)
; redefine our function
(defun my-view-created (view)
(format out "updated fn~%")
; let the wm use our updated function
(setf callback-view-created #'my-view-created)
argv is list of strings that will be given to wlc.
By default threaded is nil, when true the wm will be run on it's own thread.
You should pass a function to key arguments.
Prototypes for the callback functions, see callback.lisp
modifiers, size, origin, amount = pointers
get lispy value from pointers with (ref-wlc-type pointer)
state is key-value :pressed or :released
output-created (lambda (output)) => lisp-boolean (t nil)
output-destroyed (lambda (output)) => void
output-focus (lambda (output focus)) => void
output-resolution (lambda (output size-from size-to)) => void
view-created (lambda (view)) => lisp-boolean
view-destroyed (lambda (view)) => void
view-focus (lambda (view focus)) => void
view-move-to-output (lambda (view output-from output-to)) => void
keyboard-key (lambda (view time modifiers key sym state)) => lisp-boolean
pointer-button (lambda (view time modifiers button state)) => lisp-boolean
pointer-scroll (lambda (view time modifiers axis amount)) => lisp-boolean
pointer-motion (lambda (view time origin)) => lisp-boolean
touch-touch (lambda (view time modifiers type slot origin)) => lisp-boolean
compositor-ready (lambda ()) => void
I had to modify wlc a bit to get it work.
void wlc_exec(const char *bin, char *const args[]);
Coudln't get it work so I defined new function
void cl_exec(char *bin) { wlc_exec(bin, (char *const[]) { bin, NULL }); }
That's easier to translate with cffi.
When I tried allocating wlc-interface in lisp I couldn't get it to run.
So I made new function bare_s_interface which returns pointer to wlc_interface.
Crashes sometimes on sbcl and ccl.
Error while running wm will crash the lisp instead of going to debugger.