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Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP. This simply wraps the API from the server included with CoreNLP 3.6.0. See the CoreNLP server API documentation for details.


pip install pycorenlp


First make sure you have the Stanford CoreNLP server running. See the instructions here for how to do that.

Then the setup just requires you to pass in the url of the server:

>>> from pycorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP
>>> nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost:9000')

Supports annotation:

>>> text = (
  'Pusheen and Smitha walked along the beach. '
  'Pusheen wanted to surf, but fell off the surfboard.')
>>> output = nlp.annotate(text, properties={
  'annotators': 'tokenize,ssplit,pos,depparse,parse',
  'outputFormat': 'json'
>>> print(output['sentences'][0]['parse'])
    (NP (NNP Pusheen)
      (CC and)
      (NNP Smitha))
    (VP (VBD walked)
      (PP (IN along)
        (NP (DT the) (NN beach))))
    (. .)))

And tokensregex + semgrex

>>> nlp.tokensregex(text, pattern='/Pusheen|Smitha/', filter=False)
{u'sentences': [
    u'1': {u'text': u'Smitha', u'begin': 2, u'end': 3},
    u'0': {u'text': u'Pusheen', u'begin': 0, u'end': 1}, u'length': 2
  {u'0': {u'text': u'Pusheen', u'begin': 0, u'end': 1}, u'length': 1}]}
>>> nlp.semgrex(text, pattern='{tag: VBD}', filter=False)
{u'sentences': [
  {u'0': {u'text': u'walked', u'begin': 3, u'end': 4}, u'length': 1},
    u'1': {u'text': u'fell', u'begin': 6, u'end': 7},
    u'0': {u'text': u'wanted', u'begin': 1, u'end': 2}, u'length': 2

The code above is available in