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02. Getting Started Guide
- SoftGrid is written in java, and therefore JDK 1.8.* or higher is required. However, due its tight dependency with PowerWorld, Substation/IED module can be run only on windows platforms. (So far, SoftGrid is developed and tested only on Windows 7 Professional.)
- PowerWorld 18 or higher with SimAuto add-on. The SimAuto’s COM API is a critical component for the SoftGrid testbed. (If you don't have PowerWorld software but want to try SoftGrid, you can request a 30-day free trial license. Please contact PowerWorld and mention that you are interested in trying SoftGrid so that they can arrange an appropriate trial license key for you.)
- PowerWorld’s Transient Stability Analysis add-on is optional. SoftGrid will work without it, but you will not be able to analyze dynamics in transient state of the simulated power grid.
- Python Version 2.7.*. When SoftGrid is running, a background process running on Python generates the transient state data requests from PowerWorld. If the transient state analysis is not in your priority list, you can ignore Python installation.
Basic system architecture is shown in the figure below.
On top of this, to facilitate operation and experiments, SoftGrid offers centralized control of both the control center and substation via Testbed Client through Web Service, as shown in the figure below. In this document, we focus on how users can set up this architecture and start experiments.
SoftGrid release is available as a binary zip file, which contains an executable jar with sample configuration files.
Before starting installation and configuration of SoftGrid, please prepare a PowerWorld case file that defines power grid to be simulated. SoftGrid automatically generates some of the required files, such as IED Capability Description (ICD) files required for IEC61850-based communication, and does some configuration based on the case file. Some of the sample PowerWorld case files are available online (e.g., http://icseg.iti.illinois.edu/), which may be useful when trying SoftGrid. However, note that many of them do not include sufficient dynamics model configuration for running transient stability analysis.
When preparing a PowerWorld case file, in addition to defining a power grid topology and models, a user must define one empty contingency in PowerWorld's Transient Stability Analysis Add-on, as shown below. A user can give an arbitrary name, and that name is used later in configuration. (In the example below, the name of the contingency is set to be "MY_CONTINGENCY").
In addition, because SoftGrid interacts with PowerWorld simulator via COM API, class ID of the PowerWorld simulator must be configured. The key can be usually found in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\pwrworld.SimulatorAuto\Clsid in Windows registry.
- Download the zip file of binary modules from here.
- Extract the zip file and you will get the below folder structure.
"config" folder in the file tree contains sample configuration files. To configure a substation with emurated intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) connected to the PowerWorld simulator, you must modify the "ied.properties" file according to your system environment. You may just point some of file paths to the files included in the release as well. For example, the PYTHON_FILE_NAME, PYTHON_FILE_PATH and PYTHON_START_BAT_FILE_PATH, must be pointed to the python folder and two of its files.
Please note that you can specify relative paths for all the path configurations as needed.
CASE_FILE_PATH =(Optional)Folder that contains PowerWorld case files. This is an optional configuration and if not specified in the configuration file, then system will set the default relative path as this "..\SoftGrid\casefiles\TempCaseFiles\". So, all the downloaded case files should be copied to this folder.
CASE_FILE_NAME =(Optional)PowerWorld case file name. This is an optional configuration and if this is not specified, system will set the default file name as "CaseFile.PWB". So, any downloaded case files should be renamed to this default name.
LIMIT_VIOLATION_RECORD_FILE=File path and name of limit violation log file (*.csv)
LOG_FILE =File path and name of log file (*.log)
PYTHON_FILE_PATH =Path to Python package folder (\SofrGrid\python\ in the extracted file tree)
PYTHON_START_BAT_FILE_PATH=Full path to pythonproxy.bat in \SofrGrid\python\ in the extracted file tree
PYTHON_FILE_NAME =PYCOB_PW_SM.py (Do not change.)
EXP_DATA_FILE =File path and name of a file that stores transient stability analysis data (*.csv)
CLOCK_CONTINGENCY_NAME=The name of the contingency for transient stability analysis defined in the PowerWorld case to be used
PW_TO_SCL_MAPPING =File path and name of a file that defines mapping between PowerWorld variable name and variable name used in IEC 61850 Substation Configuration Language(SCL). Default configuration, which meets requirements in typical use cases is found in SoftGridService\config\properties\PWtoSCLMapping.properties
IED_TYPE_TO_FIELD_MAPPING=File path and name of a file that defines mapping between PowerWorld variable name and variable name used in IEC 61850 Substation Configuration Language(SCL). Default configuration, which meets requirements in typical use cases is found in SoftGridService\config\properties\IEDTypeToFieldMapping.properties
ConfFile =Intermediate config file name (*.xml). This will be dynamically generated and no need to edit.
ip =IP address of the PC on which substation/IEDs are run.
GENERATE_SCL =Set true if IEC61850 SCL files (ICD files and a SCD file) need to be generated automatically when starting up.
VIRTUAL_CLOCK_CYCLE_DURATION=Time interval in millisecond at which power flow simulation is updated.
POWER_WORLD_CLSID =The class ID of PowerWorld found in Windows registry. Eg. {0BDBD63F-C4A1-4226-9546-8964CED2C29B}
POWER_WORLD_EXE =The file path of PowerWorld.exe
TEMP_STATE_FILE_PATH=File path and name of a temporary file
SCL_PATH =File path of a folder to store SCL files
ServerType =IED (Do not change.)
'POWER_WORLD_EXE=C\:\\Program Files (x86)\\PowerWorld\\Simulator19\\pwrworld.exe'
The best way to check and validate the configurations, is manually running a substation. The term substation here represents a collection of IEDs connected to a simulated power grid. To start the substation IEDs, open a command prompt and go to SoftGridService folder in the SoftGrid file tree and execute the command below.
- To start IEDs or the Substation
java -jar SoftGrid.jar
java -jar SoftGrid.jar IED
NOTE : If your extracted folder has is read only the program may not work properly. Therefore, make sure it is allowed to both read and write. You can check and change this, just by right clicking the extracted folder and going to properties option. You will see the read only check box and the hidden checkbox. Make sure both of these check boxes are unchecked.
If everything goes fine, it will open the below operation console.
Next, switch to the Configuration tab and make sure the correct configuration file is specified in the text field at the bottom as highlighted below.
To select a configuration file, use the folder button at the right of the text field to select the correct configuration file edited above. Once selected, all the configuration parameters will be listed in the table at the top of the window. If needed, you can further change any parameters in this configuration table to edit the config file.
After verifying the configuration file and the parameters, we can start the IEDs. As annotated in the above image, to start the IED servers, simply click the blue "play" button. Then the system will do following actions.
Start and connect to the PowerWorld.
Load the PowerWorld Case file specified in the config file.
If GENERATE_SCL is set to be true, then load the list of Power Grid Components and Devices from the PowerWorld case file, and instantiate an IED for each of them.
Start a thread for each IED, which listens incoming control/interrogation commands at a unique network port.
When all the IEDs are successfully started, you will see the console output like below.
The started IEDs generate periodic status data extracted from the PowerWorld simulator and store them in the log file. These log data can be queried by a SQL-like command-line front end shown at the top of Controller tab.
Currently SoftGrid supports 5 types of IEDs.
Branch status monitors with Circuit Breakers
Shunt Reactors
The Virtual IEDs are IED placeholders to monitor power grid status, and they are not mapped to any real device or don't support any control commands (i.e., available only for interrogation). You can query status data of any of these IEDs with a simple filter logic as below two examples.
Select BusKVVolt from Bus Where BusNum=53;
Select ButRatio from Gen Where GenID=31;
Select overloadrank from virtual;
"overloadrank" is a field variable in the PowerWorld. It is a value calculated based on the overall power flow in all the branches of the simulated power grid.
When a command is entered and press enter, Controller console will parse the script and start querying the corresponding log file. Then, the extracted data will be passed to the Chart Panel to display in a dynamically changing chart panel as a time series line chat as below. (Note that currently this char is only available when IED is started manually, not via web service explained later.)
If you are able to come up to this point and see the chart is slowly moving ahead with the time, you can consider that the substation/IED configuration is completed.
This section explains how to configure and start the SoftGrid Web Service, which allows us to manage the control center and IEDs through Service Client console.
- To start SoftGrid Web Service on localhost (i.e., service IP address is localhost/ Note that, SoftGrid Web Service must be started before SoftGrid Web Service Client console explained later.
java -jar SoftGrid.jar Service
- To start a standalone Web Service for remote access, a user can specify an IP address to be used.
java -jar SoftGrid.jar Service
When the SoftGrid Web Service is started with no errors, you will be able to see below log messages in the command prompt.
`Oct 06, 2016 11:47:24 AM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener start`
`INFO: Started listener bound to [localhost:8080]`
`Oct 06, 2016 11:47:24 AM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer start`
`INFO: [HttpServer] Started.`
`Jersey app started with WADL available at http://localhost:8080/softgrid/application.wadl`
`Hit enter to stop it...`
As show in the above log messages the wadl url pattern will be http://[IP Address]:8080/softgrid/application.wadl. If the service is started correctly you should be able to access the wadl in a web browser as follows.
- To start Web Service Client console
java -jar SoftGrid.jar ServiceClient
If Web Service is started for remote access, Service Client console can be run on the different PC from the web service. (In this case, IP address of the PC running Web Service must be specified in the config file explained later.) When a Service Client console is started, it will display a window shown below.
Earlier, we have explained how to start substation IEDs manually to test if installation and configuration were successful.
In this section, we will learn how to start substation IEDs via Web Service. Firstly, make sure Web Service is started without errors and the SoftGrid Web Client Console is started as explained in the previous section.
In this window, you can create and manage multiple experiments using the "Create New Experiment" button. Initially, one example experiment is found. Each experiment should be associated with one PowerWorld case file. When you start substation IEDs, the PowerWorld case file will be automatically uploaded to the web service to create ICD files for each IED.
To associate a case file, it should be copied to the corresponding experiment folder, and the file name should be added to the config file in the same experiment folder.
Experiment folder = [Extracted Folder Path]\Experiments[Experiment Name]\
E.g., If the zip extracted folder is
Then the Experiment folder of "Experiment 1" will be
C:\SoftGrid\Experiments\Experiment 1
In config.properties in the experiment folder, the parameter called CASE_FILE is used to specify the PowerWorld case file name. Apart from the PowerWorld case file, there are other configuration parameters that should be setup for each experiment. You can edit them directly in the Web Client Console as well. Just click on the project tree in the left pane, which shows the Configuration Table at the top of the center panel.
Configuration parameters and example values in the config.properties file are shown below.
`DESCRIPTION=Muliiple Attack Commands using command Script File`
`EXP_NAME=Attack Command Script`
SERVICE_IP must match the Web Service's IP address used above (either localhsot or the IP address of the machine running SoftGrid Web Service). If the Web Service is running at the same machine as the Service Client, you can specify SERVICE_IP=localhost.
Control Center will not usually communicate directly with the IEDs. It must communicate through a firewall, substation gateway, protocol translator etc. Therefore, GATEWAY_IP is the IP address of such a device with which a control center directly interacts. We also note that you can additionally plug in any other security solutions to be evaluated, for instance intrusion detection systems, between the control center and substation IEDs.
The Power World case file name should be given for the CASE_FILE parameter in config.properties. Before starting substation IEDs this case file will be uploaded to the SoftGrid service. The Service Client assumes that the CASE_FILE is in the experiment folder. Therefore, if you specify a case file name and if the case file is not available in the same experiment folder, an error message will be shown in the Service Client.
You can ignore the REPEAT_COUNT and MAX_DURATION in the curent release as its operations are not implemented yet and reserved for future enhancement. If you are willing to use a command script file to define a series of timestamped control commands, the file can be copied to the experiment folder and its name should be specified under CMD_FILE_PATH parameter.
Next, to start the substation IEDs, press the Start Substation Button with the blue play icon. Then, the Web Client will send an API call to make the Web Service load the case file, and start the substation IEDs. It may take some time to start all the IEDs, depending on system performance as well as the number of IEDs. If everything goes fine, you will see the below output in the Log Window of the Client console.
On the other hand, at the substation side, the Substation Control Console will appear as a popup window, and its log window will indicate the current status of its initialization. However, you may not see the status chart panel this time, because its only available only for manual substation execution as explained previously.
After starting all the IEDs, we can setup and connect a substation gateway and/or a security device to be tested. For the sake of completeness, SoftGrid provides a sample substation gateway, which implements simple protocol translation between IEC 60870-5-104 and IEC 61850 MMS, as well. In this user manual, we will explain how to configure the SoftGrid substation gateway to connect to the SoftGrid substation IEDs, as an example.
Lets learn how to start SoftGrid substation gateway.
Windows or Linux Operating System
We have tested SoftGrid Gateway on Windows 7, Red Hat Linux, Ubuntu and Linux Light. -
Java 1.8
SoftGrid Gateway is written purely in Java-8. Therefore Java 1.8 or higher is essential.
To start the SoftGrid Substation Gateway, first download the same SoftGrid zip file and extract it on a computer or a virtual machine you want to use. Then, open a command prompt or a Linux terminal and go to the extracted folder and type the command below.
- To start SoftGrid Gateway
java -jar SoftGrid.jar PRX
When you run the above command the Substation Control Console will appear as below. Note that, although GUI is the same, we now started a substation gateway system.
Go to Configuration tab and select the sample gateway configuration file in the below path and press save.
`[Extracted Folder]\config\proxy.properties`
Now you will see the configuration parameters at the top of the configuration tab as shown below.
Make necessary changes according to the instructions below.
`ip=IP Address of the machine running substation IEDs`
`PW_TO_SCL_MAPPING=[Extracted Folder Path]\\config\\properties\\PWtoSCLMapping.properties`
`IED_TYPE_TO_FIELD_MAPPING=[Extracted Folder Path]\\config\\properties\\IEDTypeToFieldMapping.properties`
The same files PW_TO_SCL_MAPPING and IED_TYPE_TO_FIELD_MAPPING as the ones used in substation IDS must be copied and used here.
`SCL_PATH=SCL File Path`
The SCL files (ICD Files) generated at the substation IED side should be copied to some folder in the the gateway system. Then its path should be specified above.
Do not change ServerType since this instructs the system to be started as a substation gateway.
`ConfFile=Extracted Folder Path\\PWModel.xml`
You must specify a file path for a temporary XML file used internally. However, it is recommended to use the extracted folder for this.
Always keep the PROXY_SERVER_LOCAL_API_MODE=true as it is used for internal operations.
When all the configurations are set up correctly, you may save the file and go to the control tab again. Press the play button to start the SoftGrid substation gateway. If all the configurations are correct, you will be able to see the below output at the top of the control tab panel.
At the same time you will be able to see large number of log outputs with IP address and connection ports appearing in the command prompt or terminal as below. If you see any errors in between these log outputs, most likely they are caused by wrong configurations.
`[SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] INFO it.ilinois.adsc.ema.control.proxy.client.SubstationProxyClient - Default Proxy Server Port: 2404`
`[SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] INFO it.ilinois.adsc.ema.control.proxy.client.SubstationProxyClient - usage: org.openmuc.openiec61850.SubstationProxyClient <host> <port>`
`[SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] INFO it.ilinois.adsc.ema.control.proxy.client.SubstationProxyClient - Default Host Address :`
`[SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] INFO it.ilinois.adsc.ema.control.proxy.client.SubstationProxyClient - Default Client Port: 10003`
`[SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] INFO it.ilinois.adsc.ema.control.proxy.client.SubstationProxyClient - Attempting to connect to server on port 10003`
`[SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] INFO it.ilinois.adsc.ema.control.proxy.client.SubstationProxyClient - Default Proxy Server Port: 2404`
`[SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] INFO it.ilinois.adsc.ema.control.proxy.client.SubstationProxyClient - usage: org.openmuc.openiec61850.SubstationProxyClient <host> <port>`
`[SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] INFO it.ilinois.adsc.ema.control.proxy.client.SubstationProxyClient - Default Host Address :`
`[SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] INFO it.ilinois.adsc.ema.control.proxy.client.SubstationProxyClient - Default Client Port: 10004`
`[SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] INFO it.ilinois.adsc.ema.control.proxy.client.SubstationProxyClient - Attempting to connect to server on port 10004`
If you have done with previous sections successfully, you must be already running substation IEDs and a substation gateway translating the protocols from IEC 60870-5-104 to IEC 61850. The next step is to configure a control center and send control/interrogation commands to the substation.
SoftGrid comes with a built-in control center, which is compliant with IEC 60870-5-104, and a simple scripting language to generate control and interrogation commands. The only configuration needed is correct GATEWAY_IP (IP address of the machine that runs the substation gateway) in configuration panel of the Web Client console as follows.
Now, all you have to do is just enter a command in Command field in the Web Service Client console. Then the Web Service Client will send this command to the SoftGrid Web Service to automatically start a control center client on the same computer. The started control center will send the entered command to the substation gateway in IEC 60870-5-104. The substation gateway will validate the command and act as a protocol translator to convert the command into IEC 61850 MMS. Then the translated command will reach a targeted IED to do the necessary processing (either changing or querying status of the associated device in a simulated power grid). If it is an interrogation command, it immediately sends the current status values stored on the IED to the control center via the substation gateway. You will be able to see the outputs appearing in the log panels of the console on the substation gateway. In the case of a control command, the instructed change will be applied immediately and outcome of the command will be visible through a later interrogation.
There are lot of parameters and constraints in IEC 60870-5-104 protocol. And also it is not practically easy to handle large number of commands at the same time in a simple command-line user interface. Therefore, besides interface to accept manually-entered commands, SoftGrid provides a simple scripting language to specify a series of control commands explained later.
All the IEDs are indexed based on their port numbers. Port numbers are starting from 10003. For example, 25th IEDs port number will be 10003 + 25 = 10028. So we use port number - 10003 as the Information Object Address (IOA) of each IED.
You can download the IOA-to-IED mapping table file in csv format. After starting all the IEDs, press the download button in the Service Client. Then go to experiment folder and you will see the IEDDataSheet.csv file. If you open this file you may see a table like the one below.
1st Column : IED Type
2nd Column : IOA-Number
3rd Column : Key-Value pairs needed to use in the SQL-Like scripts in the Substation Control Console
4th Column : The port number of the IED in the substation
Gen, 94, BusNum=14 GenID=1 , 10097
Gen, 95, BusNum=28 GenID=1 , 10098
Gen, 96, BusNum=28 GenID=2 , 10099
Gen, 97, BusNum=31 GenID=1 , 10100
In the current version, it supports only following commands.
Interrogation command
Use Case : To query a specific IED or all the IEDs
Format-1 : "interrogation" [IOA] ">" < Gateway IP Address >":"< Port Number > Format-2 : "interrogation all >" < Gateway IP Address >":"< Port Number > Eg.
`interrogation 53 >` `interrogation all >`
Range Interrogation command
Use Case: To query a large number of IEDs span across multiple substations.
NOTE : Please make sure the GatewayIEDmap.xml file is correctly defined with the substation socket details and their corresponding IED addresses. Sample xml file is provided with the source code under the resource folder.Format-1 : "interrogation" [From IOA] - [To IOA] ">" < Gateway IP Address >":"< Port Number >
Eg.`interrogation 53-93 >`
Single control command
Use Case: To change some parameter in the power grid component such as opening or closing a circuit breaker.
Format-1 : "scommand" [IOA] [SCL Field Name]=[Value] ">" < Gateway IP Address >":"< Port Number > Eg.
scommand 53 linestatus=true >
(linestatus is the circuit breaker parameter, which can be used to open or close it.) -
Run Command Scripts
Instead of running individual commands, it is helpful to store a series of multiple commands and run them at the scheduled timestamp. This feature is very important in cyber-physical security research and development. For example, this feature would allow you to run the same experiment multiple times under the same power grid configuration with different set of controlled devices, so that the results can be compared. SoftGrid Web Service Client console has a configuration parameter called CMD_FILE_PATH to specify pre-shceduled control command scripts. The script format is shown below.
Format : [Delay in Millisecond]>[command] >
1000>interrogation 53;
2000>interrogation 43;
10000>attack 100 linestatus=true CB;
10000>scommand 53 linestatus=true
According to the above script,
1st command will be executed after 1000 millisecond,
2nd command will be executed after 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds),
3rd and 4th commands will executed at the same time after 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds).After writing commands in a script file, copy the file into the experiment folder. Then, specify the file name in the configuration parameter CMD_FILE_PATH on the Service Client console as follows.
Now enter the below command in the Command field of Web Service Client and press enter to send the script file to the control center.
Format : "run script >" < Gateway IP Address >":"< Port Number >
E.g.,'run script >'
Run Circuit Breaker Attack
To facilitate evaluation of security devices in the SoftGrid, we are planing to add built-in attack command to simulate attacks. In the current release, SoftGrid provides one attack command to issue "open" commands to randomly selected circuit breakers, similarly to the Ukraine incident in 2015.
Format : "attack" [Circuit Breaker Percentage] "linestatus=true CB >" < Gateway IP Address >":"< Port Number >'
E.g.,`attack 100 linestatus=true CB >` `attack 25 linestatus=true CB >`
1st command opens all (i.e., 100%) the circuit breakers randomly one at a time.
2nd command opens 25% of circuit breakers randomly one at a time.
As shown in the above lifecycle diagrame, operation commands can be initiated from the Web Service Control Client, including the substation IEDs. Gateway devices and/or security solutions should be connected to SoftGrid conrol center and IEDs manually.
(Note : Substation IEDs can be started remotely as well as manually, and If you start manually you must close it manually when the experiment is over.)
You can do the evaluation based on following methods.
As shown in the above folder structure, log files can be downloaded to the experiment folder. Mainly there are 4 types of logs based on their prefix.
These log files are generated based on control center data.
Log message format : < response time > , < total message count > , < current pending message count >
Sample Log message : "346 , 3 , 1"
These log files contain the state data of all the IEDs. I.e., each IED periodically check the actual power grid value and log them in this file. The SQL-like script in the monitoring window can be used to plot these values in the chart window dynamically in real time (only when substation IEDs are started manually).
Log message format : Data:< Current time in millisecond >:Type:< IED Type >:< VariableName : Variable Value pairs of all the IED variables >
Sample Log message : "Data:1476955859864:Type:BUS:BusNum: 54:BusKVVolt: 69.68999934"
These log files contain all the commands executed on IEDs in the PowerWorld Scripting language. By default these commands are collected within the cycle of 8 seconds and dumped into these log files periodically.
Log message format : "OPEN_ALL" < Executed Offset Time ( within 8 second cycles ) in Second.Millisecond format > "< PowerWold device type and key values" "< PowerWorld Command >" "CHECK" ""
Sample Log message : "OPEN_ALL" 648.361 "Branch '54' '53' '1'" "OPEN BOTH" "CHECK" ""
These are used only internal processing. Please ignore them.
Transient Data Sheets are available in the above location in the extracted folder. In every 8 second (Default cycle ), SoftGrid generates PowerWorld script files (AUX file) by consolidating all the executed commands during the last 8 second. Then, based on these script files, it runs transient state simulation and dumps the results into data sheets in the < extracted folder > /auxfile/ContingencyAux_auxFiles/csv/ folder. As it creates large number of files, SoftGrid clean them after processing. Based on these files, limit violations (e.g., in terms frequency and voltage) are calculated and dumped into the below file.
Limit Violation File : < Extracted folder > /auxfile/ContingencyAux_auxFiles/result/ViolationCount.csv
Log message format : < Time in Millisecond >,< Violation Type >,< Violated Value >,< Timestamp >,< PowerWorld object and data reference >
Sample Log message : 1476954472227,Under Voltage(5) :0.94,Time :17:07:51:662000, u'Bus 15 TSBusVPU '
NOTE : Click on Download Log file button at any time to download transient changes and log files into the below path.
< Experiment Folder >\logs_downloaded\
You can directly type SQL-Like commands in the monitoring window and observe the real time effect on the chart panel. Currently, chart panel is functional only when substation is manually started (i.e., not started via Web Service).