Lists policies with indicators that tell you things like number of rules, UI
, number of devices, GoLiveON/OFF
. -
Let's you compare policies side-by-side, even in different customer instances — you can select two policies, see exactly where there are differences and what they are
Copy policies between instances — if you have a policy applied to one customer and you want to apply that same policy to another
Policies that are applied can then be viewed in the product UI under Enforce > Policies
A Zip file containing cbapi-qt-demo.exe is available in Releases section.
A DMG file containing cbapi-qt-demo is available in Releases section.
sudo yum install qt5-qtbase qt5-qtbase-devel vim-X11 gcc-c++ qt5-linguist git
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/qmake-qt5 /usr/bin/qmake
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/lrelease-qt5 /usr/bin/lrelease
Install qt6-wayland, and follow instructions for Ubuntu 22.04, 22.10 (Qt6).
sudo apt install qt6-wayland
sudo apt install -y qtcreator qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake cmake git
git clone https://github.com/slist/cbapi-qt-demo.git
cd cbapi-qt-demo
- Error handling in networking functions seems broken, but it will have no effect if there's no network error.
sudo apt-get install g++ make qt6-tools-dev-tools assistant-qt6 linguist-qt6 designer-qt6 qt6-base-dev qt6-base-dev-tools libqt6core5compat6 libqt6core5compat6-dev git
make -j4
sudo apt-get install g++ make qt5-default qt5-qmake git
The easiest way to add this app to Ubuntu launcher is to create an entry in Gnome menu using alacarte, and then add it to favorites.
sudo apt-get install alacarte
Create a "new Item" and point to the App and Icon (img/qt-cbapi.png).
Click on Top Left of your screen on "Activities", search your newly created application, right click to "Add to Favorites".
Warning : Settings/passwords are stored in plain text using unsecure QSettings of Qt framework.
For Linux, see ~/.config/VMware\ Carbon\ Black/cbapi-qt-demo.conf
For Windows, see HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VMware Carbon Black\cbapi-qt-demo
For Mac, see $HOME/Library/Preferences/com/VMware\ Carbon\ Black/cbapi-qt-demo
- Developer Network website: https://developer.carbonblack.com - contains reference documentation, video tutorials, and how-to guides on how to integrate with Carbon Black products
- CbAPI Python module: https://cbapi.readthedocs.io - our Python module that makes interfacing with the Carbon Black APIs easy. Check it out if you're using Python to interface with Cb products.
- CbAPI Python module source code: https://github.com/carbonblack/cbapi-python - the source code to the CbAPI Python module, including example scripts
This application is not supported anymore, and will not be updated.
Use of this software is governed by the MIT license.