A Scroll Component for Vue.js
npm install ohmybox -S
import { OhMyBox, OhMyBoxItem } from 'ohmybox'
import 'ohmybox/lib/ohmybox.css'
<OhMyBoxItem v-for='(item, idx) in 5' :key='idx'>{{item}}</OhMyBoxItem>
参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
scrollHeight | 触发翻页高度 | Number | 300 (px) |
scrollDuration | 触发翻页滚动时间 | Mumber | 400 (ms) |
quickScrollHeight | 快速滑动时,触发翻页高度 | Number | 20 (px) |
clickDuration | 模拟点击方法touchstart到touchend持续时间 | Number | 10 (ms) |
clickDistance | 模拟点击方法touchstart到touchend移动距离 | Number | 30 (px) |
方法 | 说明 | 参数 |
change | 翻页回调方法 | (当前页下标,总下标,当前项对象) |
click | 点击方法 | (当前页下标,总下标,当前项对象) |
this.$refs.ohmybox.forceScrollHandle | 强制滚动到对应下标item | (要滚动到的item下标) |
- to github:
npm login
# "name": "@codedance98/ohmybox",
# "publishConfig": {
# "registry": "https://npm.pkg.github.com"
# }
npm publish
- to npm:
npm login
# "name": "ohmybox",
# "publishConfig": {
# "registry": "https://registry.npmjs.org"
# }
npm publish