This Plugin adds features which enable the configuration and generation of printable export card PDFs, especially useful to export story cards from the plugin "OpenProject Backlogs":
The OpenProject PDF Export plugin requires the OpenProject Core in version greater or equal to 3.0.0.
Tests for this plugin require pdf-inspector
, so just add the following line to
OpenProject's Gemfile.plugin
gem "pdf-inspector", "~>1.0.0", :group => :test
OpenProject PDF Export depends on OpenProject Plugins. Thus, if you haven't done
it already, add the following line to the Gemfile.plugins
to your OpenProject installation:
gem "openproject-plugins", git: "", :branch => "stable"
For OpenProject PDF Export itself you need to add the following line to the
of the project which is using the plugin:
gem "openproject-pdf_export", git: "", :branch => "stable"
Afterwards, run:
bundle install
This plugin contains migrations. To migrate the database, run:
rake db:migrate
There is a seed file to load a default ExportCardConfiguration model, although this is not strictly required.
Remove the line
gem "openproject-pdf_export", git: "", :branch => "stable"
from the file Gemfile.plugins
and run:
bundle install
Please not that this leaves plugin data in the database. Currently, we do not support full uninstall of the plugin.
The plugin provides an admin interface for ExportCardConfiguration CRUD. Existing ExportCardConfigurations can then be used to export data in PDF form, the configuration defining the layout of the card and the specific data which appears in it. The DocumentGenerator init takes a ExportCardConfiguration and an array of any object. It is left to the developer to make sure the fields in the config match the given data. A ExportCardConfiguration currently allows for the following fields to be defined:
Name - A unique identifier for the configuration. Per Page - The number of export cards which will appear on each page of the exported PDF. Page Size - Currently we only support A4 paper size. Orientation - Portrait of Landscape. Rows - A YAML text block which defines in detail what should appear in each row and column of the export cards.
The following sample YAML shows the required form and all of the available configuration options:
group1: has_border: false height: 200 rows: row1: height: 50 priority: 1 columns: id: has_label: false min_font_size: 10 max_font_size: 20 font_size: 20 font_style: bold text_align: left minimum_lines: 2 render_if_empty: false width: 30% due_date: has_label: false font_size: 15 font_style: italic minimum_lines: 2 render_if_empty: false width: 70% row2: priority: 2 columns: status: has_label: true indented: true font_size: 15 font_style: normal minimum_lines: 1 render_if_empty: true group2: has_border: true rows: row1: height: 80 priority: 2 columns: description: has_label: true indented: false font_size: 15 font_style: normal minimum_lines: 1 render_if_empty: true row2: priority: 2 columns: status: has_label: true font_size: 15 font_style: normal minimum_lines: 1 render_if_empty: true row2: priority: 2 columns: custom_field_name: has_label: true font_size: 15 minimum_lines: 1 group3: rows: row1: priority: 2 columns: children: has_label: true has_count: true indented: true font_size: 15 font_style: normal minimum_lines: 1 render_if_empty: true
The config is divided into groups. A group can have a height property which will enforce the minimum height of the group in pixels. The has_border property can be set to true which will draw a border around the rows in the group.
Any number of rows can be defined. The font_size and minimum_lines properties define how much height on the card is given to the row. The plugin will attempt to assign enough space to each of the rows, however space will be assigned based on the priorities of the the rows, with rows with lower priority (higher numbers) being reduced and removed first if there is not enough for all the data. The row height can be forced by giving a value, in pixels, for the row height property. This will override the assigned row height.
The name of the column informs the plugin which data should be read from the model (status, due_date, id, etc.). There can be any number of columns per row. Custom field names can also be used. Columns are given an equal share of the row width unless a specific width % is given. If there is more text in the column than can fit into its assinged space on the card then the text will be truncated.
If you find any bugs, you can create a bug ticket at
To contribute, you can create pull request on the official repository at
We would like to thank
- Deutsche Telekom AG ([email protected]) for project sponsorhip
Copyright (C)2014 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF)
This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v3. See doc/ and doc/GPL.txt for details.