Showcase of improperly working event-bus over TCP bridge between two independent vertices.
The goal is to have two independent verticles developed in two separate and independent modules (projects) who are able to communicate with each other using event-bus over TCP bridge.
Both verticles developed in two modules “NodeA” and “NodeB” using Kotlin language and Gradle build system.
Verticle from “NodeA” is running on the virtual machine (hosted locally using Virtual Box) and having IP while vertical from “NodeB” running on localhost having IP
For the sake of demonstrations, both verticles are same behavior. They set up TCP bridge, registering for events on their own address and sending every second message for their peer using two different methods:
- Natively over event-bus
- Using frame helper over TCP socket
Only messages sent via TCP socket using frame helper are arriving at the other ends but messages sent from the native event-bus are not. There are no errors nor exceptions so it is not clear what is the problem with message delivery using native event-bus over TCP bridge.