The main objective is to build a predictive model, which could help in predicting the views of the videos uploaded on the TEDx website.
The main objective is to build a predictive model, which could help in predicting the views of the videos uploaded on the TEDx website.
We have the data of previous TED talk events , which contains data points such as the length (duration ) of the talk, topics , speaker occupation and textual features such as Transcript , Title , and Description And most importantly , the target variable : the view of the video The Data is available for 4005 TED talks .
Dataset info
Number of records: 4,005
Number of attributes: 19
Features information:
The dataset contains features like:
- talk_id: Talk identification number provided by TED
- title: Title of the talk
- speaker_1: First speaker in TED's speaker list
- all_speakers: Speakers in the talk
- occupations: Occupations of the speakers
- about_speakers: Blurb about each speaker
- recorded_date: Date the talk was recorded
- published_date: Date the talk was published to
- event: Event or medium in which the talk was given
- native_lang: Language the talk was given in
- available_lang: All available languages (lang_code) for a talk
- comments: Count of comments
- duration: Duration in seconds
- topics: Related tags or topics for the talk
- related_talks: Related talks (key='talk_id',value='title')
- url: URL of the talk
- description: Description of the talk
- transcript: Full transcript of the talk
Target Variable :
- views: Contains Count of views of every talk
The task was divided into 2 main parts :
- Statistical Analysis over the dataset to discover relationships between each feature and the target variable . So that this relationship information can be used by the management in making better Business decisions
- Creating a Machine Learning Pipeline , that can take in the data of any new video and predict how many views it will generate on a daily basis .It was required to kepp this pipeline modular , such that it can be retrained often when new data is collected
Importing Libraries
Loading the dataset
Data Cleaning
EDA on features
Feature selection
Fitting the regression models
HyperParameter Tuning
Evaluation Metrices of the model
Final selection of the model
We used many Algorithms ( Random Forest , XGBoost and CatBoost ) We used RandomSearchCV for HyperParameter Tuning Comparing both R2 Score , we can see that Random Forrest and XGBoost model performs the best
● For the ML Pipeline , the XGBoost Model performed the best ● For the NLP Pipeline , the Random Forest Model performed the Best ● Feature Engineering and Feature Extraction helped in increasing the model performance
● Topics like Technology , Science , Education , Biology attract the attention of viewers more than other topics . ● Entrepreneurs and Activists are the most engaging speakers
Datawrangling :
- Numpy
- Pandas
For Graphing :
- Matplotib
- Seaborn
Machine learning :
- Scikit-Learn
- SK-Opt
- XGBoost
- CatBoost
Miscellaneous :
- Google colab tools
< Sarvesh > | Data Scientist | Machine Learning Engineer | Deep Learning enthusiast
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