Author: Stephen Korecky
Plugin Website:
NPM jQuery Plugin:
jQuery Plugin website is outdated and read-only now. Please use NPM
jQuery Plugin:
Add Clear is a jQuery plugin that adds a input clearing button on any input you apply it to. It clears the value, and returns focus to that field.
- Load jQuery into your project
- Load Add Clear plugin into your project
- Setup which elements you would like to apply this plugin to.
// Example onClear option usage
onClear: function(){
alert("call back!");
Option | Default | Type |
closeSymbol | ✖ | string |
top | 1 | number |
right | 4 | number |
returnFocus | true | boolean |
showOnLoad | false | boolean |
hideOnBlur | false | boolean |
tabbable | true | boolean |
onClear | null | function |
paddingRight | 20px | string |
LineHeight | 1 | string |
display | block | string |
The more modern Microsoft browsers (IE10+ and Edge) have built-in clear buttons that appear
automatically on text inputs. To prevent those buttons from interfering with Add Clear, you must
use the ::-ms-clear
CSS pseudo-element in your styles, as described here: