Idris-server is a webserver library for Idris. It's distinctive feature is to use Idris' first-class types in order to define your server's routes and enforce a proper implementation of those routes. Implementing a server is as easy as:
MyRoute : Path
MyRoute = "numerator" / Cap "num" Int / "denominator" / Cap "denom" Int / Returns Int Get Ok
MyImpl : Signature () MyRoute
MyImpl = [\a, b, _ => div a b ]
main : IO ()
main = newServer MyRoute MyImpl
Additionally, Idris-server provides a declarative API for endpoints based on lenses and lens
composition. For this import Server.EDSL.Lenses
, here is an example:
InternalState : Type
InternalState = (Int, Double)
server : ServerTree InternalState
server = Prefix "path" $ Fork [ ResourceLens fstLens'
, ResourceLens sndLens']
main : IO ()
main = runServer Normal server (0, 3.14)
As you can see the server's implementation is defined using the lenses given to ResourceLens
Each endpoint defined as a ResourceLens
can be extended with the /~
> idris --install server.ipkg
Once the library is installed you can compile the examples by going into the examples directory
cd examples/
and running
> idris -p idris-server -p contrib -o calc Calclator.idr
> ./build/exec/calc
This will run a mock server that read a request on stdin and print the result on stdout.