Epiphany Module: Azure Basic Infrastructure
Have a look here.
az login
az account list #get subscription from id field
az account set --subscription="SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --name="SOME_MEANINGFUL_NAME" #get appID, password, tenant, name and displayName
In main directory run:
make build
cd examples/basic_flow
ARM_CLIENT_ID="appId field" ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="password field" ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="id field" ARM_TENANT_ID="tenant field" make all
Or use config file with credentials:
cd examples/basic_flow
cat >azure.mk <<'EOF'
ARM_CLIENT_ID ?= "appId field"
ARM_CLIENT_SECRET ?= "password field"
ARM_TENANT_ID ?= "tenant field"
make all
make release
or if you want to set different version number:
make release VERSION=number_of_your_choice