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Gus Hart committed Sep 10, 2019
1 parent c2b3aff commit 557db14
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Showing 7 changed files with 24 additions and 39 deletions.
63 changes: 24 additions & 39 deletions aux_src/compare_two_enum_files.f90
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@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
! Compares two output files, usually "struct_enum.out" from enumlib (enum.x) to see if they contain
! equivalent lists.
! Started around 2008, used on and off, extensively revised in 2019 when the Smith Normal Form
! code in symlib (rational_mathematics) was updated to be more numerically stable (but
! unfortunately that affected many of the unit tests of enumlib). This program is used to compare
! output data from different versions of the code. The challenge is that data may often be
! equivalent but NOT identical.
! A further challenge is that the format of the input and output files change slowly over time and ! this code is fragile to that.
! A further challenge is that the format of the input and output files change slowly over time and
! this code is fragile to that.
! This is not a pretty program. Not for general distribution. Don't release it into the wild.
! It has really been used, a lot, and it works...but is fragile.
! This is not a pretty program. Nor is it efficient. Not for general distribution.
! Don't release it into the wild. It has really been used, a lot, and it works...but is fragile.
! GLWH 2019
program compare_two_struct_enum
use num_types
Expand All @@ -28,7 +32,7 @@ program compare_two_struct_enum
real(dp), allocatable :: dset1(:,:), dset2(:,:), rot(:,:,:), shift(:,:)
real(dp), pointer :: sLVlist(:,:,:)
integer, pointer :: HNFout(:,:,:), eq(:), digit(:), HNFin(:,:,:)
integer, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: label, g1, g2, dlabel, qLabel
integer, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: label, g1=>null(), g2=>null(), dlabel, qLabel
integer :: LatDim1, LatDim2, match, nD1, nD2, Nmin, Nmax, k, ioerr
integer :: strN, sizeN, n, pgOps, diag(3), a, b, c, d, e, f, i, jl, j
integer :: iP, nP, lc, iStr2, HNFtest(3,3), hdgenfact, labdgen, totdgen
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,23 +172,23 @@ program compare_two_struct_enum
! though, the enum code always writes in ascending size order.
if (n2 > n) then ! We've passed the point in the f2 file where the size of cells matches
write(13,'("Volume is too big for structure #: ",i9," in file 2 (label # ", &
& i9,")")') iStr2, strN2
!& i9,")")') iStr2, strN2
write(13,'("Volume matches for structure #: ",i9," in file 2 (label # ", &
& i9,")")') iStr2, strN2
!& i9,")")') iStr2, strN2
!read(labeling,'(500i1)') ilabeling2(1:n2*nD2)
HNFtest = 0;
HNFtest = reshape((/a,b,d,0,c,e,0,0,f/),(/3,3/))
HNFmatch = .false.
if(all(HNFtest==HNFin(:,:,1))) then ! HNFs match, next check the labeling
write(13,'("HNF matches for structure #: ",i9," in file 2 (label # ", &
& i9,")")') iStr2, strN2
!& i9,")")') iStr2, strN2
HNFmatch = .true.
write(13,'("HNF doesn''t match for structure #: ",i9," in file 2 (label # ", &
& i9,")")') iStr2, strN2
! & i9,")")') iStr2, strN2
! If ilabeling2 *or* one if its complements has the correct concentration, then we need to continue in the check.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,68 +217,49 @@ program compare_two_struct_enum
call get_dvector_permutations(pLV2,dset2,nD2,rot,shift,dRotList2,LatDim2,eps) ! get dRotList2
call remove_duplicate_lattices(HNFin,LatDim2,pLV2,rot,shift,dset2,dRotList2,HNFout,fixOp,&
LattRotList2,sLVlist,degen_list,eps) ! get fixing operations
! Get the list of label permutations
call get_rotation_perms_lists(pLV2,HNFout,L2,SNF,fixOp,LattRotList2,dRotList2,eps)
write(17,'("Rots Indx:",/,8(24(i3,1x),/))') LattRotList2(1)%RotIndx(:)
write(17,'("Permutation group (trans+rot):")')
!write(17,'("Rots Indx:",/,8(24(i3,1x),/))') LattRotList2(1)%RotIndx(:)
!write(17,'("Permutation group (trans+rot):")')
nP = size(LattRotList2(1)%perm,1)
do ip = 1, nP
write(17,'("Perm #",i3,":",1x,200(i2,1x))') ip,LattRotList2(1)%perm(ip,:)
! do ip = 1, nP
! write(17,'("Perm #",i3,":",1x,200(i2,1x))') ip,LattRotList2(1)%perm(ip,:)
! enddo
call find_equivalent_labelings(ilabeling2,LattRotList2,qLabel,rotProdLab)
if (any(L1/=L2)) then ! We must find the automorphism that connects the two different groups and adjust ilabeling2 accordingly
if (associated(g1)) deallocate(g1); if (associated(g2)) deallocate(g2)
!1) build the member list
call make_member_list(diag,g1) ! This routine allocates g1
! do i = 1,3
! write(*,'("g1: ",20(i2,1x))') g1(i,:)
! enddo
! print*
!2) find the group automorphism
call matrix_inverse(real(L2(:,:,1),dp),L2inv,err)
if (err) stop "L2inv is not defined"
! do i = 1,3
! write(*,'(" L1: ",3(i2,1x))') L1(i,:,1)
! enddo
! do i = 1,3
! write(*,'(" L2: ",3(i2,1x))') L2(i,:,1)
! enddo

if (err) stop "Inverse of L_2 matrix is not defined"
T = matmul(L1(:,:,1),L2inv)
! do i = 1,3
! write(*,'(" T: ",3(f7.3,1x))') T(i,:)
! enddo
!g2 = -1
g2 = nint(matmul(T,g1))
g2 = modulo(g2,spread(diag,2,n))
!if (any(g2==-1)) stop "Bug in group member mapping"
! do i = 1,3
! write(*,'("g2: ",20(i2,1x))') g2(i,:)
! enddo
! print*

! Next, find the rearrangement between the two groups (the automorphism)
if (allocated(automorphism)) deallocate(automorphism)
call find_permutation_of_group(g1,g2,automorphism)
write(13,"(20i1)") automorphism
!write(13,"(50i1)") automorphism
! 3) Apply the automorphism to every permuted labeling (qLabels)
do j = 1,size(qLabel,1)
do i = 0, n*nD2-1, n ! Each block of 'n' needs a copy of the automorphism
qLabel(j,1+i:n+i) = qLabel(j,automorphism+i)
!4) proceed as normal
!4) proceed as normal

foundLab = .false.
! We need to loop over all permutations (to get the full orbit) because we do not know
! which member of the orbit is the representative.
! We also need to check the complement of each labeling because any of the complements may appear
! in either list. GLWH 2019, see email chain, subject: "Monk?", with Rod Forcade starting May 16 2019
! We also need to check the complement of each labeling because any of the complements ! may appear in either list. GLWH 2019, see email chain, subject: "Monk?", with Rod Forcade starting May 16 2019, and subject "Eureka" starting Sep 5 2019
do jL = 1, size(qlabel,1)
!ilabeling2 = qLabel(jL,:)
! if(all(ilabeling2==ilabeling1)) then
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.

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