This repository aims at helping students of SE128 course of Shanghai Jiao Tong University with various learning materials related to development.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Prototype
- Git
- API Design
- Code Review
- Web Scraping
- Database
- Authentication and Authorization
- Testing
- Monitoring
- Logging
- Microservices
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- API Blueprint
- Swagger
- Apiary
- Design Guides
- Best Practices in API Design by Swagger
- API Design Guide by Google Cloud
- Code Review Developer Guide Introduction by Google
- Google Style Guides by Google
- Linter and Formatter
- Why you should always use a Linter?
- Collection: Clean code linters
- ESLint (JavaScript)
- checkstyle (Java)
- Flake8 and YAPF (Python)
- pingcap/awesome-database-learning maintained by PingCAP
- HTTP authentication
- Session
- JSON Web Token
- OAuth
- Spring Boot and OAuth2 (Client)
- JSON Web Tokens vs. Session Cookies: In Practice
- Demos
- JUnit 5 User Guide
- Getting Started | Testing the Web Layer
- Demos
- rejector7/unit_test_demo (backend/spring-boot)
- DHPO/Vue-test-demo (frontend/vue)
- ELK Stack
- Elasticsearch
- Logstash
- Kibana
- Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Docker image documentation
- TICK Stack
- Telegraf
- InfluxDB
- Chronograf
- Kapacitor
- fluent/fluentd
- GitHub Actions Documentation
- Create a CI/CD pipeline for Amazon ECS with GitHub Actions and AWS CodeBuild Tests
- GitHub Packages Documentation
- Demos
- caicloud/kube-ladder maintained by Caicloud
- Kubernetes Handbook
- Istio Handbook