The reason for forking is a very weird bug. In getAllKeys it checks if the target path exists, if not it creates it. What happens after first install is it returns the path doesn't exist, but the path creation subsequently fails saying it does exist.
The fix is to handle the path creation and continue normal operation as it can without issue.
It might be caused by a RNFetchBlob issue where either RNFetchBlob.fs.exists or RNFetchBlob.fs.mkdir has some bug in it.
Storage adaptor to use react-native-fetch-blob with redux-persist, by implementing the needed methods: setItem
, getItem
, removeItem
, getAllKeys
and clear
This storage can be used on Android to prevent issues with the storage limitations in the RN AsyncStorage implementation. (See redux-persist#199, redux-persist#284)
Please note: v2 of this library supports React Native 0.60 and above only. If you are using React Native 0.59 and below, please use v1.x.
yarn add redux-persist-filesystem-storage
or, for React Native 0.59 and below:
yarn add redux-persist-filesystem-storage@1
Then, as rn-fetch-blob is a dependency of this project, we need to ensure its linked with
react-native link rn-fetch-blob
(or check their docs).
Simply use 'FilesystemStorage' as the storage option in the redux-persist config.
import FilesystemStorage from 'redux-persist-filesystem-storage'
const persistConfig = {
key: 'root',
storage: FilesystemStorage,
import FilesystemStorage from 'redux-persist-filesystem-storage'
storagePath: `${RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir}/persistStore`
const persistConfig = {
key: 'root',
storage: FilesystemStorage,
Using redux-persist V5?
Redux-Persist v5 migrate from one storage system to another
Using redux-persist V4?
the snippet below lets you migrate redux data previously stored in
to redux-persist-filesystem-storage
NOTE This snippet lets you migrate healthy data. It will not restore
data if it is already hit limits of AsyncStorage
import { persistStore, getStoredState } from 'redux-persist'
import FilesystemStorage from 'redux-persist-filesystem-storage'
import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { createStore } from 'redux'
const store = createStore(...)
// create persistor for `redux-persist-filesystem-storage`
const fsPersistor = persistStore(
{ storage: FilesystemStorage },
async (fsError, fsResult) => {
if (_.isEmpty(fsResult)) {
// if state from fs storage is empty try to read state from previous storage
try {
const asyncState = await getStoredState({ storage: AsyncStorage })
if (!_.isEmpty(asyncState)) {
// if data exists in `AsyncStorage` - rehydrate fs persistor with it
fsPersistor.rehydrate(asyncState, { serial: false })
} catch (getStateError) {
console.warn("getStoredState error", getStateError)