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Standard Models

James Matthews edited this page Sep 27, 2013 · 3 revisions

Python has a number of standard models used for testing. The most important ones are described here, and the parameter files and output plots are included.

QSO fiducial model

This is the fiducial model described be Higginbottom et al. (arXiv:1308.5973). It is the benchmark BALQSO model, and the first published to include a treatment of X-rays. It is a biconical wind model which uses python's standard escape probability radiative transfer mode and uses the full pairwise power law ionization scheme.


Wind_type(0=SV,1=Sphere,2=Previous,3=Proga,4=Corona,5=knigge,6=thierry,7=yso,8=elvis,9=shell)                    0
Atomic_data                       DATA/standard73
photons_per_cycle                          20000000
Ionization_cycles                               30
spectrum_cycles                                  5
Coord.system(0=spherical,1=cylindrical,2=spherical_polar,3=cyl_var)                    1                     100                 100
Wind_ionization(,1=LTE,2=fixed,3=recalc_bb,5=recalc_pow,6=pairwise_bb,7=pairwise_pow)                    7
Line_transfer(0=pure.abs,1=pure.scat,2=sing.scat,3=escape.prob,6=macro_atoms,7=macro_atoms+aniso.scattering)                    3
System_type(0=star,1=binary,2=agn)                2
Disk_radiation(y=1)                               1
Wind_radiation(y=1)                               1
QSO_BH_radiation(y=1)                             1
Rad_type_for_disk(0=bb,1=models)_to_make_wind     0
Rad_type_for_agn(0=bb,1=models,3=power_law,4=cloudy_table)_to_make_wind               3
mstar(msol)                                    1e9
rstar(cm)                              8.85667e+14
disk.type(0=no.disk,1=standard.flat.disk,2=vertically.extended.disk)                  1
disk.mdot(msol/yr)                               5
Disk.illumination.treatment(0=no.rerad,1=high.albedo,2=thermalized.rerad,3=analytic)  0
Disk.temperature.profile(0=standard;1=readin)    0
disk.radmax(cm)                               1e17
lum_agn(ergs/s)                               1e43
agn_power_law_index                           -0.9
Torus(0=no,1=yes)                                0
wind.radmax(cm)                               1e19
wind.t.init                                    1e5
wind.mdot(msol/yr)                               5
sv.diskmin(wd_rad)                              50
sv.diskmax(wd_rad)                             100
sv.thetamin(deg)                                70
sv.thetamax(deg)                                82
sv.mdot_r_exponent                               0
sv.v_infinity(in_units_of_vescape                1
sv.acceleration_length(cm)                    1e18
sv.acceleration_exponent                       1.0
Rad_type_for_disk(0=bb,1=models,2=uniform)_in_final_spectrum                    0
Rad_type_for_agn(0=bb,1=models,3=power_law,4=cloudy_table)_in_final_spectrum    3
spectrum_wavemin                               200
spectrum_wavemax                              2600
no_observers                                     8
angle(0=pole)                                   20
angle(0=pole)                                   40
angle(0=pole)                                   60
angle(0=pole)                                   70
angle(0=pole)                                   75
angle(0=pole)                                   80
angle(0=pole)                                   85
angle(0=pole)                                   89
phase(0=inferior_conjunction)                   0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction)                   0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction)                   0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction)                   0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction)                   0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction)                   0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction)                   0.5
phase(0=inferior_conjunction)                   0.5
live.or.die(0).or.extract(anything_else)                               1
Select_specific_no_of_scatters_in_spectra(y/n)                         n
Select_photons_by_position(y/n)                                        n
spec.type(flambda(1),fnu(2),basic(other)                               1
Extra.diagnostics(0=no)                                                0                                       1
Photon.sampling.approach(0=T,1=(f1,f2),2=cv,3=yso,4=user_defined)      7

SV Schlosman & Vitello Model

This model was first described by Schlosman & Vitello 1993, but is also included in the Long & Knigge 2002 paper as one of the first test cases of Python.

File, model with Luxy Mazzali ionization solver: File with PPL ionization solver:

1D Supernova Model

This was a model developed by S. Sim for comparison with TARDIS, a supernova RT code.


YSO macro atom model

This is Model A from Sim et al. 2005 and is described there. Note that a number of bugs were discovered which cause some key differences from the S05 results.
