This repository contains the implementation of all methods that we discuss in our publication Can Functional Transfer Methods Capture Simple Inductive Biases?
The experiments from that paper that use the methods from this repository can be found in orbit_transfer_recipes.
The experiments further require installation of:
: Modular architecture of a plain CNN model
: Implementation of a group-equivariant CNN model
: Layers used in the G-CNN model
: Implementation of the Orbit model
: Modular architecture of a plain MLP model
: Simplified implementation of a small VIT model
We implemented all transfer methods that we discussed in the paper as main-loop-modules (see nntransfer). This includes: attention transfer, knowledge distillation, representational distance learning and orbit transfer.
A less modular and flexible implementation of all transfer methods and corresponding training can be found in trainer/
and trainer/
Fitting models are given in models/
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