=> 应用 => 容器管理 => 点击 "终端"
cd /var/www/html/bugzilla/
[root@localhost /var/www/html/bugzilla]# python
------------------------------ Begin database config ------------------------------
Please input admin email: [email protected]
Input admin password:
Confirm admin password:
Admin email is: [email protected]
Admin password is: 123456
Database init success
------------------------------ End database config ------------------------------
Do you want to config smtp server[Y/n]?Y
------------------------------ Begin SMTP config ------------------------------
Input admin SMTP server:
Input smtp email: [email protected]
Input smtp password:
Confirm smtp password:
------------------------------ End SMTP config ------------------------------
NOTICE: you can config smtp at url: http://yourdomain/editparams.cgi
- Please input admin email: 输入管理员登录邮箱
- Input admin password: 输入管理员登录密码
- Confirm admin password: 再次输入管理员登录密码
- Do you want to config smtp server[Y/n]?Y 是否开启邮件通知,建议开启
- Input admin SMTP server: 输入SMTP服务器地址,建议使用 新浪邮箱
- Input smtp email: 输入通知邮箱地址
- Input smtp password: 输入通知邮箱地址密码
- Confirm smtp password: 再次输入通知邮箱地址密码