Using the framework of your choice, please create a frontend application that lists car parks in the UK. If you have previously completed the backend developer challenge, feel free to use that API, otherwise we will provide you with a URL and authentication details to get the data.
- The user can view a list of car parks in the UK
- The list should be paginated, with 20 results per page
If you have the time or inclination, here are some ideas for bonus features to include:
- The ability to search car parks by name or location
- The ability to filter by location or features
- The ability to sort by cost, number of spaces, or distance
- Using a service such as Google Maps API to display car parks in a map view, or get all car parks within a specified radius of a location
- Show view screens for individual car parks
- Icons to indicate number of spaces, pricing, or different features
Please push your app to a GitHub repository, including a README file with:
- Instructions to get it up and running locally
- A summary of the approach you have taken
- Any thoughts you have had around UX, accessibility or other considerations
Good luck!