The Simple IoT hardware currently consists of a gateway with a Feather socket that works with modules from Particle and Adafruit. Multiple sensor/IO nodes can be attach to the gateway and daisychained for 10's of feet. The system is waterproof and uses low cost xConnect 3-wire connectors.
The Simple IoT project also includes open source gateway firmware and portal software.
- Feather socket
- Two 3-wire expansion pigtails (power, 1-wire, data)
- Power (5-24VDC) can be attached to either expansion connector
- Sensors can be attached to both expansion connectors
- Waterproof, UV resistant enclosure
- design files
- two DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensors
- design files
- uses CR9580 current sensors
- design files
- 5A Relay (G6DN-1A-L-DC5)
- design files
The relay node has a terminal block inside the enclosure. The above example shows an example of an AC plug switched by the relay. Although the relay is rated for line level voltages, the PCB design is not UL tested or certified for line level voltages, so use at your own risk.
xConnect extension cables can be purchased from Wired Watts
This is a community project -- pull requests will be considered.
Apache Version 2.0