This project is not complete, not even started, I'm only capturing some ideas for reference and to allow other people to give ideas
This module for Neorg is to make your bookmarking life easier, the Neorg way.
Still a work in progress, these are only planned features
Bookmarks are simple Neorg links using contexts as tags.
#contexts tags, tags and more tags
Compile bookmarks into a bookmark.norg file for easy reference and search ability using telescope and other programs apart from neovim such as fzf or dmenu, I plan on writing a qutebrowser user script ;)
:Neorg bookmark compile
To be consistent and probably so I can copy a bunch of code :p it will probably be similar in design to Neorg gtd : Neorg bookmark capture|edit|views
Probably using the Telescope module find bookmarks both locally and using the compiled bookmark file, I want to be able to search by tags as well.