- Packages
- Data
- Functions
- Set-Up for Model Runs
- Model Runs
- Visualizing Biological Impacts
- Visualizing Economic Impacts
- Visualizing Influence of Demand and Substitution
- Summarizing Results
- Visualizing Effects on Age Structure (Appendix)
- Visualizing Principal Components of Parameters and Biomass Outcomes (Appendix)
- Visualizing Principal Components of Simulations (Panel) (Appendix)
# Parameters from several sources noted in the file.
dat_par = read_csv("./data/dat_pars.csv") %>%
# Prices and characteristics of buche in end markets. Several sources.
dat_p = read_csv("./data/dat_p.csv")
# Marginal mortalities per month in aquaculture from Cygnus Ocean Farms (2017).
dat_aqm = read_csv("./data/dat_aqm.csv")
# Biomass at age for 2017 from INAPESCA (2018).
dat_bio = read_csv("./data/dat_bio.csv")
# Ages to lengths - Von Bertalanffy Growth Function.
fun_a_l = function(a, linf, k, t0){l = linf * (1 - exp(-k * (a - t0)))}
# Lengths to weights.
fun_l_w = function(a, l, b){w = a * l ^ b}
# Ages to natural mortalities.
fun_a_nmort = function(a, a_mat, a_old, m_juv, m_mat, m_old){s = 1 - ifelse(a < a_mat,
ifelse(a < a_old,
# Lengths to selectivities.
fun_l_s = function(l, a, b, m){s = a / (1 + exp(b - m * l))}
# Ages to bycatch mortalities.
fun_a_bmort = function(a, b_b, a_mat, n0){b = ifelse(a < a_mat,
b_b / floor(a_mat) / n0[floor(a_mat)],
#(b_b / round(a_mat)) / n0[round(a_mat)], 0)} The code in use is a Band-Aid. Bycatch = 0.2 for a < a_mat.
# Numbers at age to recruitment - Shepherd Recruitment Function.
fun_rec = function(n, a_rec, b_rec, d_rec, f1_rec, f2_rec)
{n0 = ifelse((a_rec * n) / (1 + (n / b_rec) ^ d_rec) * exp(f1_rec * f2_rec) > 0,
(a_rec * n) / (1 + (n / b_rec) ^ d_rec) * exp(f1_rec * f2_rec),
# Production and grams to price in multivariate inverse demand specification.
# Deprecated nonlinear option.
# fun_p = function(q, g, a_ma, b_ma, c_ma){p = q * a_ma + g ^ b_ma + c_ma
# return(ifelse(p > 0, p, 0))}
# Linear option.
fun_p = function(q, g, a_ma, b_ma, c_ma)
p = q * a_ma + g * b_ma + c_ma
return(ifelse(p > 0, p, 0))
# Ages to natural mortalities in aquaculture.
fun_a_aqmort = function(a, b1, b2, mmin){m = b1 * exp(b2 * a * 12) + mmin}
# Weights to optimal stocking densities in numbers.
fun_ns = function(cage_size, dens, w){ns = (cage_size * dens) / w}
# The whole hog.
fun = function(par){
# Name inputs.
for(i in 1:nrow(par)){assign(rownames(par)[i], par[i,])}
# Run intermediate set-up.
# Fishery.
# Numbers in 2017.
n0 = dat_bio$n * nprop
# Catchability.
# F = qENS > q = F / ENS; N is in numbers, F is in tonnes, and S is in proportions, so conversions are in order.
q = 1000 * f_2017 / sum(n0 * fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(seq(a_0, a_i), linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(seq(a_0, a_i), linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls) * e_2017)
# Aquaculture.
# Cohort count at first saleable size is the ratio of density in kgm^-3 to size in kg.
nsale = fun_ns(cage_size, dens, sale_size)
# Initial cohort count is density at first saleable size, plus cumulative mortality at first saleable age.
# Casually, nstart = nsale + mort(a(l(wsale))).
# Cumulative mortality to first saleable age:
a_sale = (t0_al - 1 / k_al * (log(1 - ((sale_size / a_lw) ^ (1 / b_lw)) / linf_al))) # Inverse Von Bertalanffy.
# Initial stock to reach optimal density at first salable size:
nstart = nsale * (100 / (100 - fun_a_aqmort(a_sale, b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin))) ^ a_sale
# Build objects to fill.
# Fishery.
n = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = a_i - a_0 + 1) # Build a matrix of numbers at age.
m = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = a_i - a_0 + 1) # Build a matrix of natural mortalities at age.
b = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = a_i - a_0 + 1) # Build a matrix of bycatch at age.
y = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = a_i - a_0 + 1) # Build a matrix of catch at age.
g = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = a_i - a_0 + 1) # Build a matrix of ghost catch at age.
p_mat = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = a_i - a_0 + 1) # Build a matrix of prices at age.
a_matrix = matrix(nrow = a_i - a_0 + 1, ncol = t_i - t_0 + 1) # Build a matrix of ages for reference in functions. Transposed.
rec = as.numeric(vector(length = t_i - t_0 + 1)) # Build a vector of recruitment at age.
e = as.numeric(vector(length = t_i - t_0 + 1)) # Build a vector of effort. This is the variable for optimization in the economic component.
r_fi = as.numeric(vector(length = t_i - t_0 + 1)) # Build a vector of total revenues.
c_fi = as.numeric(vector(length = t_i - t_0 + 1)) # Build a vector of total costs.
# Aquaculture.
# Current.
a0_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Ages of stock.
w0_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Weights.
nm0_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)# Mortalities.
ns0_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)# Survivors.
nt0_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)# Trimming.
n0_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Leftovers.
rt0_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)# Revenues, trimming.
p0_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Prices, maw.
r0_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Revenues, maw.
c0_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Costs.
# Led.
a1_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)
w1_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)
nm1_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)
ns1_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)
nt1_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)
n1_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)
rt1_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)
p1_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)
r1_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)
c1_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages)
# Outputs.
h_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Decision.
hinv_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Decision, inverse.
r_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Revenues.
c_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Costs.
y_aq = matrix(nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1, ncol = c_cages) # Production, wet tonnes.
# Add initial values.
# Fishery.
a_matrix[, 1:(t_i - t_0 + 1)] = seq(a_0, a_i) # Matrix of ages.
a_matrix = t(a_matrix) # Transposing matrix of ages.
n[1,] = n0 # Age distribution for first year, e.g. 2017.
m[1,] = n[1,] * fun_a_nmort(a_matrix[1,], a_mat_am, a_old_am, m_juv_am, m_mat_am, m_old_am) # Natural mortalities.
b[1,] = (n[1,] - m[1,]) * fun_a_bmort(a_matrix[1,], b_b, a_mat_am, n0) # Bycatch mortalities by cohort for first year.
e[1] = e_2017 # Effort in boats/season for 2017.
y[1,] = (n[1,] - m[1,] - b[1,]) * q * e[1] * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(a_matrix[1,], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls) # Catch for first year by cohort.
g[1,] = (n[1,] - m[1,] - b[1,] - y[1,]) * g_r * q * e[1] * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(a_matrix[1,], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls) # Catch for first year by cohort.
p_mat[1,] = fun_p(sum(fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a_matrix[1, ], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * y[1, ] * by1 * by2) / 1000, # Prices from tonnes of production and grams of maw at age. Placeholder names.
fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a_matrix[1, ], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * by1 * by2 * 1000,
a_ma, b_ma, c_ma) * loss
r_fi[1] = sum(p_mat[1,] * fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a_matrix[1, ], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * y[1, ] * by1 * by2 * 1000) # Constant for conversion to grams of buche.
c_fi[1] = e[1] * c_2017 + e[1] * switch_en * multi_en * c_enf # Costs for first year. Vessel costs, crew shares of profit, and enforcement intensification.
rec[1] = fun_rec(sum(n[1, 4:(a_i - a_0 + 1)]), a_r, b_r, d_r, f1_r, f2_r) # Recruitment for first year. Start of column designation is hard-coded.
eta = (e[1] * eta_limit) / abs(r_fi[1] - e[1] * c_2017) # Parameter to restrict changes in effort.
# Aquaculture.
# Current.
# a0_aq[1,] = round(runif(c_cages, 0, ceiling(a_sale))) # Ages set from random uniform distribution.
a0_aq[1,] = rep(ceiling(a_sale), c_cages) # Ages set to first harvest.
w0_aq[1,] = fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a0_aq[1,], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw)
nm0_aq[1,] = nstart * (0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a0_aq[1,], b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin))
ns0_aq[1,] = nstart * (1 - 0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a0_aq[1,], b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin)) # Note leading mortality.
nt0_aq[1,] = ifelse(ns0_aq[1,] - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w0_aq[1,]) > 0,
ns0_aq[1,] - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w0_aq[1,]),
n0_aq[1,] = nstart - nm0_aq[1,] - nt0_aq[1,]
#for(j in 1:c_cages){p0_aq[1, j] = p_mat[1, a0_aq[1, j]] * 1000} # Looping to enable position references in the price matrix.
p0_aq[1,] = rep(10, c_cages) # Watch out for this Band-Aid.
rt0_aq[1,] = nt0_aq[1,] * w0_aq[1,] * by1 * by2 * p0_aq[1,] * switch_aq + nt0_aq[1,] * w0_aq[1,] * wy * wp # Trimming revenues for maw and wet product. Fix placeholder names.
r0_aq[1,] = w0_aq[1,] * n0_aq[1,] * by1 * by2 * n0_aq[1,] * p0_aq[1,] * switch_aq + n0_aq[1,] * w0_aq[1,] * wy * wp # Harvest revenues for maw and wet product. Fix placeholder names.
c0_aq[1,] = n0_aq[1,] * fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a0_aq[1,] - 0.5, linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * feed_prop * feed_cost * 365 # Fix placeholder variable names.
# Led.
a1_aq[1,] = a0_aq[1,] + 1
w1_aq[1,] = fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a1_aq[1,], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw)
# Since this implementation of mortality/survival and trimming require iteration to work, the corresponding lead variables are spaghetti.
nm1_aq[1,] = (nstart * (1 - 0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a1_aq[1,] - 1, b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin)) -
ifelse(nstart * (1 - 0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a1_aq[1,] - 1, b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin) - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w1_aq[1,])) > 0,
nstart * (1 - 0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a1_aq[1,] - 1, b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin) - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w1_aq[1,])),
0)) * (0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a1_aq[1,], b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin))
ns1_aq[1,] = (nstart * (1 - 0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a1_aq[1,] - 1, b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin)) -
ifelse(nstart * (1 - 0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a1_aq[1,] - 1, b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin) - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w1_aq[1,])) > 0,
nstart * (1 - 0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a1_aq[1,] - 1, b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin) - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w1_aq[1,])),
0)) * (1 - 0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a1_aq[1,], b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin))
nt1_aq[1,] = ifelse(ns1_aq[1,] - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w1_aq[1,]), ns1_aq[1,] - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w1_aq[1,]), 0)
n1_aq[1,] = fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w1_aq[1,])
p0_aq[1,] = rep(10, c_cages)
#for(j in 1:c_cages){p0_aq[1, j] = p_mat[1, a0_aq[1, j]] * 1000} # Looping to enable position references in the price matrix.
rt1_aq[1,] = nt1_aq[1,] * w1_aq[1,] * by1 * by2 * p1_aq[1,] * switch_aq + nt1_aq[1,] * w1_aq[1,] * wy * wp # Trimming revenues for maw and wet product. Fix placeholder names.
r1_aq[1,] = w1_aq[1,] * n1_aq[1,] * by1 * by2 * n1_aq[1,] * p1_aq[1,] * switch_aq + n1_aq[1,] * w1_aq[1,] * wy * wp # Harvest revenues for maw and wet product. Fix placeholder names.
c1_aq[1,] = n1_aq[1,] * fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a1_aq[1,] - 0.5, linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * feed_prop * feed_cost * 365 # Fix placeholder variable names.
h_aq[1,] = 0
hinv_aq[1,] = 1
r_aq[1,] = r0_aq[1,] * h_aq[1,] + rt0_aq[1,] * hinv_aq[1,]
c_aq[1,] = c0_aq[1,] * hinv_aq[1,] + fry * nstart * h_aq[1,] + over
y_aq[1,] = n0_aq[1,] * w0_aq[1,] * h_aq[1,] + nt0_aq[1,] * w0_aq[1,] * hinv_aq[1,]
# Add iterations.
for(i in 2:(t_i - t_0 + 1)){
for(j in 2:(a_i - a_0 + 1)){
# Fishery.
# Numbers for time i and cohort j are numbers of the previous time and cohort less mortalities of the previous time and cohort.
n[i, j] = ifelse(n[i - 1, j - 1] - m[i - 1, j - 1] - b[i - 1, j - 1] - y[i - 1, j - 1] - g[i - 1, j - 1] > 0,
n[i - 1, j - 1] - m[i - 1, j - 1] - b[i - 1, j - 1] - y[i - 1, j - 1] - g[i - 1, j - 1],
# Natural mortalities for time i and cohort j are numbers for the same multipled by a constant factor for marginal mortality.
m[i, j] = n[i, j] * fun_a_nmort(a_matrix[i, j], a_mat_am, a_old_am, m_juv_am, m_mat_am, m_old_am)
# Bycatch for time i and cohort j are numbers for the same after natural mortality multipled by constant bycatch mortality..
b[i, j] = (n[i, j] - m[i, j]) * fun_a_bmort(a_matrix[i, j], b_b, a_mat_am, n0)
# Numbers for time i and first cohort.
n[i, 1] = rec[i - 1]
# Natural mortalities for time i and first cohort.
m[i, 1] = n[i, 1] * fun_a_nmort(a_matrix[i, 1], a_mat_am, a_old_am, m_juv_am, m_mat_am, m_old_am)
# Bycatch mortality for time i and first cohort.
b[i, 1] = (n[i, 1] - m[i, 1]) * fun_a_bmort(a_matrix[i, 1], b_b, a_mat_am, n0)
# Effort for time i and all cohorts from past effort, revenues, costs, and a stiffness parameter.
e[i] = ifelse(e[i - 1] + eta * (r_fi[i - 1] - c_fi[i - 1]) > 0,
e[i - 1] + eta * (r_fi[i - 1] - c_fi[i - 1]),
0) # Bound positive.
# Catches from effort and the rest.
for(j in 2:(a_i - a_0 + 1)){
y[i, j] = ifelse((n[i, j] - m[i, j] - b[i, j]) * q * e[i] * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, j], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls) > 0,
(n[i, j] - m[i, j] - b[i, j]) * q * e[i] * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, j], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls),
y[i, 1] = ifelse((n[i, 1] - m[i, 1] - b[i, 1]) * q * e[i] * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, 1], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls) > 0,
(n[i, 1] - m[i, 1] - b[i, 1]) * q * e[i] * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, 1], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls),
# Ghost catches from past effort, etc.
for(j in 2:(a_i - a_0 + 1)){
g[i, j] = ifelse((n[i, j] - m[i, j] - b[i, j] - y[i, j]) * g_r * q * e[i - 1] * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, j], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls) > 0,
(n[i, j] - m[i, j] - b[i, j] - y[i, j]) * g_r * q * e[i - 1] * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, j], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls),
g[i, 1] = ifelse((n[i, 1] - m[i, 1] - b[i, 1] - y[i, j]) * g_r * q * e[i - 1] * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, 1], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls) > 0,
(n[i, 1] - m[i, 1] - b[i, 1] - y[i, j]) * g_r * q * e[i - 1] * fun_l_s(fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, 1], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), a_ls, b_ls, m_ls),
# Recruitment for time i.
rec[i] = fun_rec(sum(n[i, 4:(a_i - a_0 + 1)]), a_r, b_r, d_r, f1_r, f2_r)
# Aquaculture.
a0_aq[i,] = a0_aq[i - 1,] * hinv_aq[i - 1,] + 1
w0_aq[i,] = fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a0_aq[i,], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw)
nm0_aq[i,] = (nstart * h_aq[i - 1,] + n0_aq[i - 1,] * hinv_aq[i - 1,]) * (0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a0_aq[i,], b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin)) # Note leading mortality.
ns0_aq[i,] = (nstart * h_aq[i - 1,] + n0_aq[i - 1,] * hinv_aq[i - 1,]) * (1 - 0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a0_aq[i,], b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin)) # Note leading mortality.
nt0_aq[i,] = ifelse(ns0_aq[i,] - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w0_aq[i,]) > 0, ns0_aq[i,] - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w0_aq[i,]), 0)
n0_aq[i,] = (nstart * h_aq[i - 1,] + n0_aq[i - 1,] * hinv_aq[i - 1,]) - nm0_aq[i,] - nt0_aq[i,]
p0_aq[i,] = p_mat[i - 1, a0_aq[i,]] * 1000 # Conversion for price in grams to revenue from kilograms of dry maw.
rt0_aq[i,] = nt0_aq[i,] * w0_aq[i,] * by1 * by2 * p0_aq[i,] * switch_aq + nt0_aq[i,] * w0_aq[i,] * wy * wp # Trimming revenues.
r0_aq[i,] = n0_aq[i,] * w0_aq[i,] * by1 * by2 * p0_aq[i,] * switch_aq + n0_aq[i,] * w0_aq[i,] * wy * wp # Harvest revenues.
c0_aq[i,] = n0_aq[i,] * fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a0_aq[i,] - 0.5, linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * feed_prop * feed_cost * 365
a1_aq[i,] = a0_aq[i,] + 1
w1_aq[i,] = fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a1_aq[i,], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw)
nm1_aq[i,] = (nstart * h_aq[i - 1,] + n1_aq[i - 1,] * hinv_aq[i - 1,]) * (0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a1_aq[i,], b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin)) # Note leading mortality.
ns1_aq[i,] = (nstart * h_aq[i - 1,] + n1_aq[i - 1,] * hinv_aq[i - 1,]) * (1 - 0.01 * fun_a_aqmort(a1_aq[i,], b1_mort, b2_mort, mmin)) # Note leading mortality.
nt1_aq[i,] = ifelse(ns1_aq[i,] - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w1_aq[i,]) > 0, ns1_aq[i,] - fun_ns(cage_size, dens, w1_aq[i,]), 0)
n1_aq[i,] = (nstart * h_aq[i - 1,] + n1_aq[i - 1,] * hinv_aq[i - 1,]) - nm1_aq[i,] - nt1_aq[i,]
p1_aq[i,] = p_mat[i - 1, a1_aq[i,]] * 1000 # Conversion for price in grams to revenue from kilograms of dry maw.
rt1_aq[i,] = nt1_aq[i,] * w1_aq[i,] * by1 * by2 * p1_aq[i,] * switch_aq + nt1_aq[i,] * w1_aq[i,] * wy * wp # Trimming revenues.
r1_aq[i,] = n1_aq[i,] * w1_aq[i,] * by1 * by2 * p1_aq[i,] * switch_aq + n1_aq[i,] * w1_aq[i,] * wy * wp # Harvest revenues.
c1_aq[i,] = n1_aq[i,] * fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a1_aq[i,] - 0.5, linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * feed_prop * feed_cost * 365
h_aq[i,] = ifelse(a0_aq[i,] > ceiling(a_sale), # Wrapper for minimum sale age.
ifelse(r0_aq[i,] - fry * nstart > rt0_aq[i,] - c0_aq[i,] + disc * (r1_aq[i,] - fry * nstart), # Faustmann.
hinv_aq[i,] = (h_aq[i,] - 1) ^ 2
y_aq[i,] = n0_aq[i,] * w0_aq[i,] * h_aq[i,] + nt0_aq[i,] * w0_aq[i,] * hinv_aq[i,]
r_aq[i,] = r0_aq[i,] * h_aq[i,] + rt0_aq[i,] * hinv_aq[i,]
c_aq[i,] = c0_aq[i,] * hinv_aq[i,] + fry * nstart * h_aq[i,] + over
# Prices in matrix.
for(j in 1:(a_i - a_0 + 1)){
p_mat[i, j] = fun_p(sum(fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, ], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * y[i, ] * by1 * by2, # Fishery production.
(n0_aq[i,] * w0_aq[i,] * by1 * by2 * h_aq[i,] + nt0_aq[i,] * w0_aq[i,] * by1 * by2 * hinv_aq[i,]) * switch_aq * sub) # Aquaculture production.
/ 1000, # Conversion to tonnes.
fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, j], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * by1 * by2,
c_ma * dem) * loss
p_mat[i, j] = ifelse(p_mat[i, j] > 0, p_mat[i, j], 0)
# Revenues.
r_fi[i] = sum(p_mat[i,] * fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a_matrix[i, ], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * y[i, ] * by1 * by2 * 1000) # Constant for conversion to grams of buche.
# Costs.
c_fi[i] = e[i] * c_2017 + e[i] * switch_en * multi_en * c_enf
# Tidy results: numbers, recruitment, catches, effort, revenues, costs, profits.
# Numbers.
tidyn = melt(n)
tidyn$var = "Numbers"
# Catches.
tidyy = melt(y)
tidyy$var = "Catches"
# Poaching Profit.
tidypi_fi = rename(data.frame(matrix(NA,
nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1,
ncol = 4)),
Var1 = X1,
Var2 = X2,
value = X3,
var = X4)
tidypi_fi$Var1 = seq(1, t_i - t_0 + 1)
tidypi_fi$Var2 = NA
tidypi_fi$value = r_fi - c_fi
tidypi_fi$var = "Poaching Profit"
# Poaching Revenue.
tidyr_fi = rename(data.frame(matrix(NA,
nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1,
ncol = 4)),
Var1 = X1,
Var2 = X2,
value = X3,
var = X4)
tidyr_fi$Var1 = seq(1, t_i - t_0 + 1)
tidyr_fi$Var2 = NA
tidyr_fi$value = r_fi
tidyr_fi$var = "Poaching Revenue"
# Aquaculture Profit.
tidypi_aq = rename(data.frame(matrix(NA,
nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1,
ncol = 4)),
Var1 = X1,
Var2 = X2,
value = X3,
var = X4)
tidypi_aq$Var1 = seq(1, t_i - t_0 + 1)
tidypi_aq$Var2 = NA
tidypi_aq$value = rowSums(r_aq) - rowSums(c_aq)
tidypi_aq$var = "Aquaculture Profit"
# Aquaculture Revenue.
tidyr_aq = rename(data.frame(matrix(NA,
nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1,
ncol = 4)),
Var1 = X1,
Var2 = X2,
value = X3,
var = X4)
tidyr_aq$Var1 = seq(1, t_i - t_0 + 1)
tidyr_aq$Var2 = NA
tidyr_aq$value = rowSums(r_aq)
tidyr_aq$var = "Aquaculture Revenue"
# Prices. Using prices for a 13y/o fish for easy reference. It's representativish.
tidyp = rename(data.frame(matrix(NA,
nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1,
ncol = 4)),
Var1 = X1,
Var2 = X2,
value = X3,
var = X4)
tidyp$Var1 = seq(1, t_i - t_0 + 1)
tidyp$Var2 = NA
tidyp$value = p_mat[, 13]
tidyp$var = "Price"
# Poaching Effort.
tidye = rename(data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1,
ncol = 4)),
Var1 = X1,
Var2 = X2,
value = X3,
var = X4)
tidye$Var1 = seq(1, t_i - t_0 + 1)
tidye$Var2 = NA
tidye$value = e
tidye$var = "Effort"
# Poaching Cost per Metric Ton.
tidyc_fi = rename(data.frame(matrix(NA,
nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1,
ncol = 4)),
Var1 = X1,
Var2 = X2,
value = X3,
var = X4)
tidyc_fi$Var1 = seq(1, t_i - t_0 + 1)
tidyc_fi$Var2 = NA
tidyc_fi$value = c_fi / sum((fun_l_w(a_lw, fun_a_l(a_matrix[1,], linf_al, k_al, t0_al), b_lw) * y * by1 * by2) / 1000)
tidyc_fi$var = "Poaching Cost per Metric Ton"
# Aquaculture Cost per Metric Ton.
tidyc_aq = rename(data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = t_i - t_0 + 1,
ncol = 4)),
Var1 = X1,
Var2 = X2,
value = X3,
var = X4)
tidyc_aq$Var1 = seq(1, t_i - t_0 + 1)
tidyc_aq$Var2 = NA
tidyc_aq$value = rowSums(c_aq, na.rm = TRUE) / ((rowSums(y_aq, na.rm = TRUE) * by1 * by2) / 1000) # Summing cages and converting from kilograms to tonnes.
tidyc_aq$var = "Aquaculture Cost per Metric Ton"
# Everything!
tidy = bind_rows(tidyn, tidyy, tidypi_fi, tidyr_fi, tidypi_aq, tidyr_aq, tidyp, tidye, tidyc_fi, tidyc_aq)
tidy = rename(tidy, Year = Var1, Age = Var2, Result = value, Variable = var)
# Get results.
# Set up palettes for visualization.
pal_fil = viridis(4,
begin = 0.00,
end = 0.50,
direction = -1,
option = "D",
alpha = 0.50)
pal_col = viridis(4,
begin = 0.00,
end = 0.50,
direction = -1,
option = "D")
# Set up price model.
# Estimate inverse demand.
# Nonlinear model doesn't really pay off, but here's the code anyhow.
# nlm = nls(p ~ q * a + (g ^ b) + c,
# data = dat_p,
# start = c(a = -5.00, b = 2.00, c = 20))
# Linear model works fine.
lm_p = lm(p ~ q + g,
data = dat_p)
# Clean results.
lm_tidy = tidy(lm_p)
# Set up aquaculture model.
# Estimate incremental mortalities.
# Regression:
am_reg = nls(m_months ~ b1 * exp(b2 * a_months), dat_aqm, start = list(b1 = 8.00, b2 = - 1.00))
# Clean results.
am_reg_tidy = tidy(am_reg)
# Pull initial and intermediate parameters together.
pars_full = dat_par %>%
# Add market outputs to parameter table.
add_row(name_long = "Quantity Elasticity",
name_short = "a_ma",
"function" = "Demand",
mid = lm_tidy$estimate[2],
low = lm_tidy$estimate[2] - lm_tidy$std.error[2],
high = lm_tidy$estimate[2] + lm_tidy$std.error[2],
units = NA,
module = "Fishery",
source = "Intermediate") %>%
add_row(name_long = "Size Premium",
name_short = "b_ma",
"function" = "Demand",
mid = lm_tidy$estimate[3],
low = lm_tidy$estimate[3] - lm_tidy$std.error[3],
high = lm_tidy$estimate[3] + lm_tidy$std.error[3],
units = NA,
module = "Fishery",
source = "Intermediate") %>%
add_row(name_long = "Choke Price",
name_short = "c_ma",
"function" = "Demand",
mid = lm_tidy$estimate[1],
low = lm_tidy$estimate[1] - lm_tidy$std.error[1],
high = lm_tidy$estimate[1] + lm_tidy$std.error[1],
units = NA,
module = "Fishery",
source = "Intermediate") %>%
# Add aquaculture outputs to parameter table.
add_row(name_long = "Aq. Mortality Coefficient",
name_short = "b1_mort",
"function" = "Aquaculture Mortality",
mid = am_reg_tidy$estimate[1],
low = am_reg_tidy$estimate[1] + am_reg_tidy$std.error[1],
high = am_reg_tidy$estimate[1] - am_reg_tidy$std.error[1],
units = NA,
module = "Aquaculture",
source = "Intermediate") %>%
add_row(name_long = "Aq. Mortality Coefficient",
name_short = "b2_mort",
"function" = "Aquaculture Mortality",
mid = am_reg_tidy$estimate[2],
low = am_reg_tidy$estimate[2] + am_reg_tidy$std.error[2],
high = am_reg_tidy$estimate[2] - am_reg_tidy$std.error[2],
units = NA,
module = "Aquaculture",
source = "Intermediate")
# Turn parameters into a matrix for multiple model runs.
pars_base = pars_full %>%
select(2, 4:6) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "name_short")
# Define n runs.
n = 5000
# Build n runs w/o aquaculture.
pars_0 = pars_base[1]
pars_0[2:n] = pars_0[1]
# Draws.
# Fishery.
pars_0["nprop", ] = rnorm(n,
mean = 1,
sd = 0.085)
pars_0["e_2017", ] = runif(n,
min = pars_base["e_2017", 2],
max = pars_base["e_2017", 3])
pars_0["c_2017", ] = runif(n,
min = pars_base["c_2017", 2],
max = pars_base["c_2017", 3])
pars_0["eta_limit", ] = runif(n,
min = pars_base["eta_limit", 2],
max = pars_base["eta_limit", 3])
pars_0["multi_en", ] = runif(n,
min = pars_base["multi_en", 2],
max = pars_base["multi_en", 3])
pars_0["c_enf", ] = runif(n,
min = pars_base["c_enf", 2],
max = pars_base["c_enf", 3])
pars_0["g_r", ] = runif(n,
min = pars_base["g_r", 2],
max = pars_base["g_r", 3])
# Aquaculture.
pars_0["sale_size", 1:n] = runif(n,
min = pars_base["sale_size", 2],
max = pars_base["sale_size", 3])
pars_0["dens", 1:n] = runif(n,
min = pars_base["dens", 2],
max = pars_base["dens", 3])
pars_0["mmin", 1:n] = runif(n,
min = pars_base["mmin", 2],
max = pars_base["mmin", 3])
pars_0["disc", 1:n] = runif(n,
min = pars_base["disc", 2],
max = pars_base["disc", 3])
pars_0["c_cages", 1:n] = ceiling(runif(n,
min = pars_base["c_cages", 2],
max = pars_base["c_cages", 3]))
# Build n runs w/ aquaculture.
pars_1 = pars_0
pars_1["switch_aq", ] = 1
# Build n runs w/ increased enforcement.
pars_2 = pars_0
pars_2["switch_en", ] = 1
# Build n runs w/ aquaculture and increased enforcement.
pars_3 = pars_0
pars_3["switch_aq", ] = 1
pars_3["switch_en", ] = 1
# House results.
results_0 = vector("list", n)
results_1 = vector("list", n)
results_2 = vector("list", n)
results_3 = vector("list", n)
# Loop through parameter sets.
for(i in 1:n){par = select(pars_0, i)
output = fun(par)
output$Run = i
output$Scenario = "Status Quo" # Band-Aid: This would be better outside of the loop.
output$Cages = par["c_cages",] # Band-Aid: This carries one parameter through, but compact code to carry all through would be nice.
results_0[[i]] = output}
## Note: Using an external vector in selections is ambiguous.
## i Use `all_of(i)` instead of `i` to silence this message.
## i See <https://tidyselect.r-lib.org/reference/faq-external-vector.html>.
## This message is displayed once per session.
for(i in 1:n){par = select(pars_1, i)
output = fun(par)
output$Run = i
output$Scenario = "Aquaculture Intervention" # Band-Aid: This would be better outside of the loop.
output$Cages = par["c_cages",] # Band-Aid: This carries one parameter through, but compact code to carry all through would be nice.
results_1[[i]] = output}
for(i in 1:n){par = select(pars_2, i)
output = fun(par)
output$Run = i
output$Scenario = "Enforcement Intervention" # Band-Aid: This would be better outside of the loop.
output$Cages = par["c_cages",] # Band-Aid: This carries one parameter through, but compact code to carry all through would be nice.
results_2[[i]] = output}
for(i in 1:n){par = select(pars_3, i)
output = fun(par)
output$Run = i
output$Scenario = "Aquaculture and Enforcement Interventions" # Band-Aid: This would be better outside of the loop.
output$Cages = par["c_cages",] # Band-Aid: This carries one parameter through, but compact code to carry all through would be nice.
results_3[[i]] = output}
# Go from list to dataframe for easier processing.
results = bind_rows(results_0,
# Summarize results in barplots of differential outcomes wrt total reproductive biomass and biomass by cohort.
# Reproductive biomass w/ aq. scale.
vis_bio_sum =
results %>%
filter(Variable == "Numbers" & Age > 3) %>%
mutate(Biomass = fun_l_w(pars_base["a_lw", 1],
fun_a_l(Age - 0.5,
pars_base["linf_al", 1],
pars_base["k_al", 1],
pars_base["t0_al", 1]),
pars_base["b_lw", 1]) / 1000 * Result) %>%
Scenario) %>%
summarize(Biomass = sum(Biomass)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Scenario,
values_from = Biomass) %>%
mutate(`Aquaculture Intervention` = `Aquaculture Intervention` - `Status Quo`,
`Enforcement Intervention` = `Enforcement Intervention` - `Status Quo`,
`Both Interventions` = `Aquaculture and Enforcement Interventions` - `Status Quo`) %>%
select(-`Status Quo`,
-`Aquaculture and Enforcement Interventions`) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c("Aquaculture Intervention",
"Enforcement Intervention",
"Both Interventions"),
names_to = "Scenario",
values_to = "Values") %>%
Scenario) %>%
summarize(Mid = mean(Values, na.rm = TRUE),
High = mean(Values, na.rm = TRUE) + sd(Values, na.rm = TRUE),
Low = mean(Values, na.rm = TRUE) - sd(Values, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup %>%
mutate(Scenario = factor(Scenario,
levels = c("Aquaculture Intervention",
"Enforcement Intervention",
"Both Interventions"),
labels = c("Aquaculture Intervention",
"Enforcement Intervention",
"Both Interventions"))) %>%
ggplot +
geom_crossbar(aes(x = Year + 2016,
y = Mid,
ymin = Low,
ymax = High,
group = Year + 2016,
fill = Mid),
width = 1) +
labs(x = "",
y = "Effect of Intervention(s) on Adult Biomass (t)",
fill = "Mean") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(2019, 2024, 2029)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c() +
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(barwidth = 15,
barheight = 0.5,
ticks = FALSE)) +
theme_pubr() +
theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent"),
legend.text = element_text(margin = margin(l = 2.5, r = 2.5), hjust = 0),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA)) +
facet_wrap(~ Scenario,
nrow = 1)
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Year', 'Run' (override with `.groups` argument)
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Year' (override with `.groups` argument)
# Print.
# Save.
dpi = 300,
width = 6.5)
## Saving 6.5 x 5 in image
# Summarize revenue impact.
results_rev =
results %>%
select(-Age) %>%
filter(Scenario == "Status Quo" | Scenario == "Aquaculture Intervention") %>%
filter(Variable == "Aquaculture Revenue" | Variable == "Poaching Revenue") %>%
mutate(Variable = str_remove(string = Variable,
pattern = " Revenue")) %>%
mutate(Result = Result * 0.000001) %>%
mutate(Cages = ifelse(Cages > 0,
ifelse(Cages > 25,
ifelse(Cages > 50,
ifelse(Cages > 75,
"0")) %>% # Bin scale.
drop_na() %>% # Track down origin of NAs.
Cages) %>%
mutate(Result = ifelse(Scenario == "Aquaculture Intervention",
-Result)) %>% # Change sign on status quo runs for tidy difference calculation.
ungroup() %>%
Cages) %>%
summarize(Difference = sum(Result)) %>% # Sum runs by run for tidy difference.
ungroup() %>%
Cages) %>%
summarize(Mea = mean(Difference)) %>% # Summarize differences by scale bin.
ungroup %>%
mutate(Years = ceiling(Year * 0.33)) %>% # Summarize mean differences by four-year average.
Cages) %>%
summarize(Mea = mean(Mea)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Years = ifelse(Years > 1,
ifelse(Years > 2,
ifelse(Years > 3,
ifelse(Years > 4,
"2029 - 2031",
"2026 - 2028"),
"2023 - 2025"),
"2020 - 2022"),
"2017 - 2019")) %>%
mutate(Years = as.factor(Years))
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Year', 'Run', 'Variable' (override with `.groups` argument)
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Year', 'Variable' (override with `.groups` argument)
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Years', 'Variable' (override with `.groups` argument)
# Plot differences.
# First, tweak the manual fill palette.
pal_fil = viridis(4,
begin = 0.00,
end = 0.50,
direction = -1,
option = "D")
# Then plot.
vis_rev =
ggplot(data = results_rev) +
geom_col(aes(x = Years,
y = Mea,
fill = Cages),
position = "dodge",
width = 0.80) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0),
color = "firebrick",
linetype = "dashed") +
scale_fill_manual(values = pal_fil) +
labs(x = "",
y = "Effects on Revenue by Sector (US$M 2018)",
fill = expression(paste("Aquaculture Scale (", 10^6, m^3, ")"))) +
theme_pubr() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10,
angle = 45,
hjust = 0.50,
vjust = 0.60),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
legend.position = "right",
legend.title = element_text(size = 10),
legend.text = element_text(size = 9)) +
facet_grid(rows = vars(Variable),
scales = "free")
# Print.
# Save.
dpi = 300,
width = 6.5)
## Saving 6.5 x 5 in image
# Test sensitivity of biomass outcomes to demand and substitution.
# define wrapper function that takes parameters and returns scalar difference of counterfactual and status quo median biomass.
fun_opt = function(scale,
pars["c_cages", "b"] = 10
pars["cage_size", "b"] = scale / 10 # Band-Aid to get a continuous-ish input. This works out to m^3 of production.
out_0 =
pars %>%
select(a) %>%
fun %>%
filter(Variable == "Numbers") %>%
mutate(Biomass = fun_l_w(pars_base["a_lw", 1],
fun_a_l(Age - 0.5,
pars_base["linf_al", 1],
pars_base["k_al", 1],
pars_base["t0_al", 1]),
pars_base["b_lw", 1]) / 1000 * Result) %>%
group_by(Year) %>%
summarize(Sum = sum(Biomass)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(Year == max(Year)) %>%
out_1 =
pars %>%
select(b) %>%
fun %>%
filter(Variable == "Numbers") %>%
mutate(Biomass = fun_l_w(pars_base["a_lw", 1],
fun_a_l(Age - 0.5,
pars_base["linf_al", 1],
pars_base["k_al", 1],
pars_base["t0_al", 1]),
pars_base["b_lw", 1]) / 1000 * Result) %>%
group_by(Year) %>%
summarize(Sum = sum(Biomass)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(Year == max(Year)) %>%
dif = abs(out_1 - out_0)
fun_opter = function(dem,
pars =
pars %>%
mutate(b = ifelse(names == "dem",
ifelse(names == "sub",
b))) %>% # Change out null values for demand and substitution changes for matrix values.
opt = optim(par = 0, # Give a starting value for scale.
fn = fun_opt,
method = "Brent",
lower = 0,
upper = 100000,
pars = pars)
# Get parameters together. You might get a cleaner outcome by finding medians of bootstrapped parameters.
par_0 =
pars_base %>% # Snag parameters for the status quo.
select(1) %>% # Keep the central estimates (and remember that central estimates != inputs for median outcome).
rename(a = mid) %>% # Get a unique name to avoid overwriting at join.
par_1 =
pars_base %>% # ""
select(1) %>% # ""
rename(b = mid) %>% # ""
rownames_to_column("names") %>%
mutate(b = ifelse(names == "switch_aq",
pars =
## Joining, by = "names"
# Get a matrix of parameters for demand and substitution.
mat = expand_grid(dem = seq(1.00, 2.00, by = 0.10),
sub = seq(0.00, 1.00, by = 0.10))
# Optimize on full set.
opt =
mat %>%
mutate(opt = map2(.x = dem,
.y = sub,
.f = fun_opter,
pars = pars))
# Manipulate results.
use =
opt %>%
unnest(opt) %>%
mutate(opt = as.numeric(opt),
set = rep(1:(nrow(.) / 2), each = 2),
val = rep(1:2, nrow(.) / 2)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = val,
values_from = opt) %>%
rename(scale = `1`,
diff = `2`)
# Plot results.
vis_dem =
use %>%
mutate(scale = ifelse(diff > 500,
scale)) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_raster(aes(x = sub,
y = dem,
fill = scale / 100000)) +
geom_text(aes(x = sub,
y = dem,
label = ifelse(round(scale / 100000, 2) == 1, "1.00+", round(scale / 100000, 2))),
size = 3.25) +
scale_x_reverse(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_fill_viridis(direction = -1,
na.value = "grey90") +
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(barwidth = 15,
barheight = 0.5,
ticks = FALSE)) +
labs(x = "Substitution (Ratio of Prices for Aquaculture and Fishery Products)",
y = "Demand (Scaling of Estimated Choke Price, 2014-2018)",
fill = expression(paste("Aquaculture Scale (", 10^6, m^3, ")"))) +
# Print.
## Warning: Removed 37 rows containing missing values (geom_text).
# Save.
dpi = 300,
width = 6.5)
## Saving 6.5 x 5 in image
## Warning: Removed 37 rows containing missing values (geom_text).
# Summarize results for text.
# Biomass (Difference and Proportion)
results_bio =
results %>%
filter(Variable == "Numbers" & Year == 15) %>%
mutate(Biomass = fun_l_w(pars_base["a_lw", 1],
fun_a_l(Age - 0.5,
pars_base["linf_al", 1],
pars_base["k_al", 1],
pars_base["t0_al", 1]),
pars_base["b_lw", 1]) / 1000 * Result) %>%
Run) %>%
summarize(Biomass = sum(Biomass)) %>%
group_by(Scenario) %>%
summarize(Biomass = mean(Biomass)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Scenario,
values_from = Biomass) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = 1:3,
values_to = "Result",
names_to = "Intervention") %>%
mutate(Difference = Result - `Status Quo`,
Proportion = Result / `Status Quo`,
Variable = "Stock Biomass") %>%
select(-`Status Quo`)
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Scenario' (override with `.groups` argument)
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# Catches (Difference and Proportion)
results_cat =
results %>%
filter(Variable == "Catches" & Year == 15) %>%
mutate(Biomass = fun_l_w(pars_base["a_lw", 1],
fun_a_l(Age - 0.5,
pars_base["linf_al", 1],
pars_base["k_al", 1],
pars_base["t0_al", 1]),
pars_base["b_lw", 1]) / 1000 * Result) %>%
Run) %>%
summarize(Biomass = sum(Biomass)) %>%
group_by(Scenario) %>%
summarize(Biomass = mean(Biomass)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Scenario,
values_from = Biomass) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = 1:3,
values_to = "Result",
names_to = "Intervention") %>%
mutate(Difference = Result - `Status Quo`,
Proportion = Result / `Status Quo`,
Variable = "Catch Biomass") %>%
select(-`Status Quo`)
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Scenario' (override with `.groups` argument)
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# Effort (Difference and Proportion)
results_eff =
results %>%
filter(Variable == "Effort" & Year == 15) %>%
group_by(Scenario) %>%
summarize(Result = mean(Result)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Scenario,
values_from = Result) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = 1:3,
values_to = "Result",
names_to = "Intervention") %>%
mutate(Difference = Result - `Status Quo`,
Proportion = Result / `Status Quo`,
Variable = "Effort") %>%
select(-`Status Quo`)
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# Price (Difference and Proportion)
results_pri =
results %>%
filter(Variable == "Price" & Year == 15) %>%
group_by(Scenario) %>%
summarize(Result = mean(Result)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Scenario,
values_from = Result) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = 1:3,
values_to = "Result",
names_to = "Intervention") %>%
mutate(Difference = Result - `Status Quo`,
Proportion = Result / `Status Quo`,
Variable = "Price") %>%
select(-`Status Quo`)
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# Revenue (Fishery) (Difference and Proportion)
results_rev_f =
results %>%
filter(Variable == "Poaching Revenue" & Year == 15) %>%
group_by(Scenario) %>%
summarize(Result = mean(Result)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Scenario,
values_from = Result) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = 1:3,
values_to = "Result",
names_to = "Intervention") %>%
mutate(Difference = Result - `Status Quo`,
Proportion = Result / `Status Quo`,
Variable = "Revenue (Fishery)") %>%
select(-`Status Quo`)
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# Revenue (Aquaculture) (Difference and Proportion)
results_rev_a =
results %>%
filter(Variable == "Aquaculture Revenue" & Year > 10) %>% # Band-Aid to get last five years for smoothing.
group_by(Scenario) %>%
summarize(Result = mean(Result)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Scenario,
values_from = Result) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = 1:3,
values_to = "Result",
names_to = "Intervention") %>%
mutate(Difference = Result - `Status Quo`,
Proportion = Result / `Status Quo`,
Variable = "Revenue (Aquaculture)") %>%
select(-`Status Quo`)
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# Tabulate!
results_sum =
# Print!
## # A tibble: 18 x 5
## Intervention Result Difference Proportion Variable
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 Aquaculture and Enforcement~ 1.20e4 1.93e+3 1.19 Stock Biomass
## 2 Aquaculture Intervention 1.17e4 1.64e+3 1.16 Stock Biomass
## 3 Enforcement Intervention 1.05e4 4.68e+2 1.05 Stock Biomass
## 4 Aquaculture and Enforcement~ 2.55e1 -1.75e+2 0.127 Catch Biomass
## 5 Aquaculture Intervention 4.30e1 -1.57e+2 0.215 Catch Biomass
## 6 Enforcement Intervention 1.50e2 -5.04e+1 0.748 Catch Biomass
## 7 Aquaculture and Enforcement~ 6.51e0 -5.76e+1 0.102 Effort
## 8 Aquaculture Intervention 1.15e1 -5.26e+1 0.179 Effort
## 9 Enforcement Intervention 4.39e1 -2.03e+1 0.684 Effort
## 10 Aquaculture and Enforcement~ 3.03e0 -2.12e+0 0.589 Price
## 11 Aquaculture Intervention 2.98e0 -2.16e+0 0.580 Price
## 12 Enforcement Intervention 5.48e0 3.36e-1 1.07 Price
## 13 Aquaculture and Enforcement~ 4.25e5 -4.45e+6 0.0872 Revenue (Fishe~
## 14 Aquaculture Intervention 6.94e5 -4.19e+6 0.142 Revenue (Fishe~
## 15 Enforcement Intervention 3.92e6 -9.62e+5 0.803 Revenue (Fishe~
## 16 Aquaculture and Enforcement~ 7.68e7 5.69e+7 3.86 Revenue (Aquac~
## 17 Aquaculture Intervention 7.53e7 5.54e+7 3.78 Revenue (Aquac~
## 18 Enforcement Intervention 1.99e7 0. 1 Revenue (Aquac~
# Export!
kable(results_sum, "html", digits = 2) %>% cat(file = "./out/results_sum.html")
# Summarize results in matrix plot of differential outcomes by cohort biomass.
# Visualize w/ age structure, w/o error.
vis_bio_age_pro =
results %>%
filter(Scenario == "Status Quo" | Scenario == "Aquaculture Intervention") %>%
filter(Variable == "Numbers") %>%
mutate(Biomass = fun_l_w(pars_base["a_lw", 1],
fun_a_l(Age - 0.5,
pars_base["linf_al", 1],
pars_base["k_al", 1],
pars_base["t0_al", 1]),
pars_base["b_lw", 1]) / 1000 * Result) %>%
Scenario) %>%
summarize(Biomass = sum(Biomass)) %>%
ungroup %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Scenario,
values_from = Biomass) %>%
mutate(Difference = `Aquaculture Intervention` - `Status Quo`,
Proportion = `Aquaculture Intervention` / `Status Quo`) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c("Difference",
names_to = "Which",
values_to = "Values") %>%
filter(Which == "Proportion") %>%
ggplot +
geom_raster(aes(x = Year + 2016,
y = Age,
fill = Values)) +
labs(x = "",
fill = "Biomass Effect (Intervention:Status Quo)") +
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(barwidth = 13,
barheight = 0.5,
ticks = FALSE,
title.position = "bottom",
title.hjust = 0.50)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "D") +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
theme_pubr() +
theme(title = element_text(size = 9))
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Year', 'Age' (override with `.groups` argument)
vis_bio_age_dif =
results %>%
filter(Scenario == "Status Quo" | Scenario == "Aquaculture Intervention") %>%
filter(Variable == "Numbers") %>%
mutate(Biomass = fun_l_w(pars_base["a_lw", 1],
fun_a_l(Age - 0.5,
pars_base["linf_al", 1],
pars_base["k_al", 1],
pars_base["t0_al", 1]),
pars_base["b_lw", 1]) / 1000 * Result) %>%
Scenario) %>%
summarize(Biomass = sum(Biomass)) %>%
ungroup %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Scenario,
values_from = Biomass) %>%
mutate(Difference = `Aquaculture Intervention` - `Status Quo`,
Proportion = `Aquaculture Intervention` / `Status Quo`) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c("Difference",
names_to = "Which",
values_to = "Values") %>%
filter(Which == "Difference") %>%
mutate(Values = Values * (1 / 1000000)) %>% # Transform numbers from individuals to millions of individuals.
ggplot +
geom_raster(aes(x = Year + 2016,
y = Age,
fill = Values)) +
labs(x = "",
fill = "Biomass Effect (Intervention - Status Quo)") +
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(barwidth = 13,
barheight = 0.5,
ticks = FALSE,
title.position = "bottom",
title.hjust = 0.50)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "D") +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
theme_pubr() +
theme(title = element_text(size = 9))
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Year', 'Age' (override with `.groups` argument)
dpi = 300,
width = 3.25)
## Saving 3.25 x 5 in image
dpi = 300,
width = 3.25)
## Saving 3.25 x 5 in image
# Principal Component Analysis of parameters on biomass in final year.
# Get an R package to visualize PCA.
# # Install from Github ("vqv/ggbiplot").
## Loading required package: plyr
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## You have loaded plyr after dplyr - this is likely to cause problems.
## If you need functions from both plyr and dplyr, please load plyr first, then dplyr:
## library(plyr); library(dplyr)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'plyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
## arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
## summarize
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
## compact
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggpubr':
## mutate
## Loading required package: scales
## Attaching package: 'scales'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
## discard
## The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
## col_factor
## The following object is masked from 'package:viridis':
## viridis_pal
## Loading required package: grid
# Wrangle results.
# Wrangle parameters by run.
par_pca =
pars_0 %>%
rownames_to_column("name") %>%
bind_cols(pars_1) %>%
t() %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
row_to_names(1) %>%
mutate(Run = seq(1, nrow(.)))
## New names:
## * mid -> mid...2
## * mid.1 -> mid.1...3
## * mid.2 -> mid.2...4
## * mid.3 -> mid.3...5
## * mid.4 -> mid.4...6
## * ...
# Wrangle results into biomass in final year by run. You might run this w/ profits and effort, too. Just pivot and pray.
res_pca = results %>%
filter(Variable == "Numbers" & Year == max(Year)) %>%
filter(Scenario == "Status Quo" | Scenario == "Aquaculture Intervention") %>%
mutate(Biomass = fun_l_w(pars_base["a_lw", 1],
fun_a_l(Age - 0.5,
pars_base["linf_al", 1],
pars_base["k_al", 1],
pars_base["t0_al", 1]),
pars_base["b_lw", 1]) / 1000 * Result) %>%
Scenario) %>%
dplyr::summarize(Sum = sum(Biomass, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(Run = ifelse(Scenario == "Aquaculture Intervention",
Run + n,
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Run' (override with `.groups` argument)
# Try the whole thing again, but with a little more taste in choosing variables.
in_pca =
by = "Run") %>%
'Initial Biomass' = nprop,
'Initial Effort' = e_2017,
'Effort Cost' = c_2017,
'Effort Entry' = eta_limit,
# 'Stocking Density' = dens,
'Aquaculture Export' = switch_aq,
# 'Aquaculture Mortality' = mmin,
'Final Biomass' = Sum) # Keep columns w/ bootstrapping. Constants don't work for PCA.
groups_pca =
in_pca %>%
in_pca =
in_pca %>%
select(-Scenario) %>%
mutate_all(~ as.numeric(as.character(.x)))
# Run refined PCA.
pca_par = prcomp(in_pca, scale = TRUE)
# Plot refined PCs.
vis_par =
groups = as.character(groups_pca$Scenario),
ellipse = FALSE,
alpha = 0.25,
varname.size = 3.25,
varname.adjust = 1.05) +
scale_color_manual(values = c(pal_col[2], pal_col[1])) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0),
limits = c(-2.5, 2)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0),
limits = c(-2, 2)) +
labs(x = "Standardized Principal Component (1) (1.34 SD, 0.30 Var)",
y = "Standardized Principal Component (2) (1.00 SD, 0.17 Var)") +
theme_pubr() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA),
legend.position = "none")
vis_par$layers <- c(vis_par$layers[[2]], vis_par$layers[[1]], vis_par$layers[[3]]) # Change order of layers.
## Warning: Removed 559 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
# Save!
dpi = 300,
width = 6.5,
height = 7.0)
## Warning: Removed 559 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
# Tabulate refined PCA.
# yoink importance and print
par_imp = data.frame(summary(pca_par)$importance)
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5
## Standard deviation 1.341904 1.012247 0.9996986 0.9969883 0.9916055
## Proportion of Variance 0.300120 0.170770 0.1665700 0.1656600 0.1638800
## Cumulative Proportion 0.300120 0.470890 0.6374600 0.8031200 0.9670000
## PC6
## Standard deviation 0.4449554
## Proportion of Variance 0.0330000
## Cumulative Proportion 1.0000000
# yoink rotations and print
par_rot = data.frame(summary(pca_par)$rotation)
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
## Initial Biomass -0.39960959 0.2949778966 -0.7000854516 0.2963370101
## Initial Effort -0.06438304 0.5282011199 0.0806522803 -0.7017804730
## Effort Cost -0.11312487 -0.6476550379 -0.0019288096 0.0235469915
## Effort Entry -0.15274980 -0.4629751111 -0.3692918408 -0.6460322123
## Aquaculture Export -0.54739494 -0.0137228967 0.6058011547 0.0421461340
## Final Biomass -0.70738677 -0.0005458124 -0.0005892279 -0.0004090981
## PC5 PC6
## Initial Biomass 0.120810110 0.40096118
## Initial Effort 0.461834048 0.06758025
## Effort Cost 0.743676719 0.11888007
## Effort Entry -0.431059453 0.15091458
## Aquaculture Export -0.182271028 0.54605531
## Final Biomass 0.004918088 -0.70680900
# Save tables.
# Importances of PCs.
kable(par_imp, "html") %>% cat(., file = "./out/par_imp.html")
# Rotations of variables in PCs.
kable(par_rot, "html") %>% cat(., file = "./out/par_rot.html")
# Principal Component Analysis of parameters on biomass in final year.
# Get an R package to visualize PCA.
# # Install from Github ("vqv/ggbiplot").
# Wrangle results.
res_pca =
results %>%
filter(Variable == "Numbers" | Variable == "Catches" | Variable == "Poaching Profit" | Variable == "Aquaculture Profit" | Variable == "Price") %>%
filter(Scenario == "Status Quo" | Scenario == "Aquaculture Intervention") %>%
mutate(Result = ifelse(Variable == "Numbers" | Variable == "Catches",
fun_l_w(pars_base["a_lw", 1],
fun_a_l(Age - 0.5,
pars_base["linf_al", 1],
pars_base["k_al", 1],
pars_base["t0_al", 1]),
pars_base["b_lw", 1]) / 1000 * Result,
Result)) %>%
mutate(Run = ifelse(Scenario == "Aquaculture Intervention", # Get unique numbers for scenarios.
Run + n,
Intervention = ifelse(Scenario == "Status Quo", # Get a numeric scenario column.
1)) %>%
Variable) %>%
dplyr::summarize(Result = sum(Result, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Variable,
values_from = Result) %>%
-Run) %>%
dplyr::rename(Stock = Numbers,
Catch = Catches)
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'Year', 'Run', 'Scenario', 'Intervention' (override with `.groups` argument)
groups_pca =
res_pca %>%
in_pca =
res_pca %>%
select(-Scenario) %>%
mutate_all(~ as.numeric(as.character(.x)))
# Run refined PCA.
pca_pan = prcomp(in_pca, scale = TRUE)
# Plot refined PCs.
vis_pan =
groups = as.character(groups_pca$Scenario),
ellipse = FALSE,
alpha = 0.05,
varname.size = 3.25,
varname.adjust = 1.05) +
scale_color_manual(values = c(pal_col[2], pal_col[1])) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0),
limits = c(-2, 3)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0),
limits = c(-3, 3)) +
labs(x = "Standardized Principal Component (1) (1.48 SD, 0.37 Var)",
y = "Standardized Principal Component (2) (1.26 SD, 0.26 Var)") +
theme_pubr() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA),
legend.position = "none")
vis_pan$layers <- c(vis_pan$layers[[2]], vis_pan$layers[[1]], vis_pan$layers[[3]]) # Change order of layers.
## Warning: Removed 932 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
# Save!
dpi = 300,
width = 6.5)
## Saving 6.5 x 5 in image
## Warning: Removed 932 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
# Tabulate refined PCA.
# yoink importance and print
pan_imp = data.frame(summary(pca_pan)$importance)
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6
## Standard deviation 1.479528 1.254652 0.9662684 0.770316 0.6690685 0.5119883
## Proportion of Variance 0.364830 0.262360 0.1556100 0.098900 0.0746100 0.0436900
## Cumulative Proportion 0.364830 0.627190 0.7828000 0.881700 0.9563100 1.0000000
# yoink rotations and print
pan_rot = data.frame(summary(pca_pan)$rotation)
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5
## Intervention 0.3731051 -0.47292839 0.44369108 -0.36237955 -0.05109693
## Aquaculture Profit 0.3972761 -0.34370147 -0.44809996 0.62482761 0.28050159
## Catch 0.1693757 0.70877958 -0.09913398 0.10302104 -0.26832874
## Stock 0.3519782 0.27001458 0.70426918 0.42939689 0.22431476
## Poaching Profit -0.4753263 -0.28107718 0.26435868 0.52965031 -0.56397037
## Price -0.5696073 0.06266817 0.16320699 0.05241216 0.69161258
## PC6
## Intervention 0.5534796
## Aquaculture Profit 0.2327159
## Catch 0.6135978
## Stock -0.2692760
## Poaching Profit 0.1630430
## Price 0.4048565
# Save tables.
# Importances of PCs.
kable(pan_imp, "html") %>% cat(., file = "./out/pan_imp.html")
# Rotations of variables in PCs.
kable(pan_rot, "html") %>% cat(., file = "./out/pan_rot.html")