DomQuery is a PHP library that allows you to easily traverse and modify the DOM (HTML/XML). As a library it aims to provide 'jQuery like' access to the PHP DOMDocument class (
Install the latest version with
$ composer require rct567/dom-query
use Rct567\DomQuery\DomQuery;
$dom = new DomQuery('<div><h1 class="title">Hello</h1></div>');
echo $dom->find('h1')->text(); // output: Hello
echo $dom->find('div')->prop('outerHTML'); // output: <div><h1 class="title">Hello</h1></div>
echo $dom->find('div')->html(); // output: <h1 class="title">Hello</h1>
echo $dom->find('div > h1')->class; // output: title
echo $dom->find('div > h1')->attr('class'); // output: title
echo $dom->find('div > h1')->prop('tagName'); // output: h1
echo $dom->find('div')->children('h1')->prop('tagName'); // output: h1
echo (string) $dom->find('div > h1'); // output: <h1 class="title">Hello</h1>
echo count($dom->find('div, h1')); // output: 2
use Rct567\DomQuery\DomQuery;
$dom = new DomQuery('<a>1</a> <a>2</a> <a>3</a>');
$links = $dom->children('a');
foreach($links as $elm) {
echo $elm->text(); // output 123
echo $links[0]->text(); // output 1
echo $links->last()->text(); // output 3
echo $links->first()->next()->text(); // output 2
echo $links->last()->prev()->text(); // output 2
echo $links->get(0)->textContent; // output 1
echo $links->get(-1)->textContent; // output 3
use Rct567\DomQuery\DomQuery;
DomQuery::create('<a title="hello"></a>')->attr('title') // hello
.find( selector )
.children( [selector] )
.parent( [selector] )
.closest( [selector] )
.next( [selector] )
.prev( [selector] )
.nextAll( [selector] )
.prevAll( [selector] )
.nextUntil( [selector] )
.prevUntil( [selector] )
.siblings( [selector] )
get children including text nodes.add( selector, [context] )
new result with added elements that match selector
.is( selector )
.filter ( selector )
reduce to those that match the selector.not( selector )
remove elements from the set of matched elements.has( selector )
reduce to those that have a descendant that matches the selector.first( [selector] )
.last( [selector] )
.slice( [offset] [, length])
like array_slice in php, not js/jquery.eq( index )
.map( callable(elm,i) )
* [selector] can be a css selector or an instance of DomQuery|DOMNodeList|DOMNode
.text( [text] )
.html( [html_string] )
.append( [content],... )
.prepend( [content],... )
.after( [content],... )
.before( [content],... )
.appendTo( [target] )
.prependTo( [target] )
.replaceWith( [content] )
.wrap( [content] )
.wrapAll( [content] )
.wrapInner( [content] )
.unwrap( )
.remove( [selector] )
* [content] can be html or an instance of DomQuery|DOMNodeList|DOMNode
.attr( name [, val] )
.prop( name [, val] )
.css( name [, val] )
.removeAttr( name )
.addClass( name )
.hasClass( name )
.toggleClass ( name )
.removeClass( [name] )
* addClass, removeClass, toggleClass and removeAttr also accepts an array or space-separated names
.get( index )
.each ( callable(elm,i) )
.data ( key [, val] )
.removeData ( [name] )
.index ( [selector] )
parent > child
foo, bar
multiple selectorsprev + next
elements matching "next" that are immediately preceded by a sibling "prev"prev ~ siblings
elements matching "siblings" that are preceded by "prev"*
all selector[name="foo"]
attribute value equal foo[name*="foo"]
attribute value contains foo[name~="foo"]
attribute value contains word foo[name^="foo"]
attribute value starts with foo[name$="foo"]
attribute value ends with foo[name|="foo"]
attribute value equal to foo, or starting foo followed by a hyphen (-)
elements that have at least one child node:first
selects h1, h2, h3 etc.:not(foo)
elements that do not match selector foo:has(foo)
elements containing at least one element that matches foo selector:contains(foo)
elements that contain text foo:root
element that is the root of the document
findOrFail( selector )
find descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements, or throw an exceptionloadContent(content, encoding='UTF-8')
load html/xml contentxpath(xpath_query)
Use xpath to find descendants of each element in the current set of matched elementsgetOuterHtml()
get resulting html describing all the elements (same as(string) $dom
, or$elm->prop('outerHTML')
- XML content will automatically be loaded 'as XML' if a XML declaration is found (property
will be set to true) - This in turn will also make saving (rendering) happen 'as XML'. You can set property
to false to prevent this. - To prevent content with a XML declaration loading 'as XML' you can set property
to false and then use theloadContent($content)
method. - Namespaces are automatically registered (no need to do it manually)
Escaping meta chars in selector to find elements with namespace:
- Works with PHP 7.0 or above
- Requires libxml PHP extension (enabled by default)