A simple CLI tool to make images with fonts and text.
There are a number of flags that you can use to make imgmk work for you the way you want it to. You can either pipe in text via a unix pipe or use the pipe flag.
./imgmk -text="This is a test"
That command above created this image:
cat flags.go | ./imgmk -size=7
That command above created this image:
You can specify other things via flags!
You can specify the path to a ttf file. Right now it has to be a ttf file.
You can specify the output file name.
As you saw above, you can specify the text.
You can also specify the font-size.
And the image width.
And the image height.
And the DPI!
If you want the background to be transparent instead of white, pass the transparent flag.
Specify the RGB color of the font(default black: 0,0,0)
This image below was generated with the following:
./imgmk -transparent -width=200 -height=100