👋 Hi! Welcome to my GitHub place for those who pass by as a stranger or my acquaintance.
I am a former Ethereum enthusiast turned versatile Product Engineer with a background in web backend. I am currently broadening my academic horizon by studying for a Mathematics degree in Seoul, South Korea while graduating high schools in both Seoul and Ontario, Canada. (Yes, I am all-rounder!)
My extensive skill set encompasses expertise in managing infrastructure with Kubernetes, designing microservices architectures & data engineering, and developing Python/Golang-based web servers. I am also deeply involved in exploring complex technologies such as Rust-based wasm programs, natural language processing, and building zero knowledge proofs using Halo2/circoms.
In addition to the technical prowess, I enjoy writing educational materials and engaging in public speaking and technical writing to help fellow developers gain an understanding of software concepts.
type sigridjin_eth struct {
Role Role
GitHub GitHub
Email Email
Twitter Twitter
TechStack []Technology
func (s *sigridjin_eth) NewSigridJinEth() *sigridjin_eth {
return *sigridjin_eth{
GitHub: GitHub{"sigridjin_eth"},
Email: Email{"[email protected]"},
Twitter: Twitter{"sigridjin_eth"},
TechStack: []Technology{
"Go", "Rust", "Python", "Node.js", "Java",
- Software Engineer at DSRV, the blockchain infrastructure provider and validator (2022.03 ~ 2023.08)
- Code Reviewer on Spring Backend masters course at CodeSquad, Seoul-based programming hackerschool (2022 ~ 2023)
- Techie Research intern at NAVER CONNECT (부스트캠프 boostcamp & Entry AI 2019.07 ~ 2020.01)
- some fintech/crypto startups located at Seoul, South Korea (Chain Partners & teamw.e, 2018.03 ~ 2019.02)
- Non-techie research freelance at The Economist & JoongAng Ilbo Folin (2018 ~ 2019)
- proudly nonce community alumni (co-living at genesis, Ethereum Research Group Member / 2018.03 ~ 2019.10)
- The committer of DAO-focused PBFT Blockchain Engine, Simperby, maintained by POSTECH University DAO
- 30th SERVER Part Member, THE SOPT, the student-joint programming club in Seoul-based universities (2022.03 ~ 2022.07)
- 2nd cohort graduate, Harmony Protocol zkDAO (2022.03 ~ 2022.05)
- Backend masters course, CodeSquad, Seoul-based programming hackerschool. (2020.01 ~ 2020.08)
- Department of Mathematics (Cryptography), Kyung Hee University. (2018.03 ~)
- Virtual High School, Ontario, Canada (2020.03 ~ dropped out)
- Chinese Major, Seoul Foreign Language High School. (2015.03 ~ 2017.02)
- Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) and Proof of Concepts (PoCs) are some of the quickest ways to make ideas more tangible and to experiment with new technologies (relatively speaking).
- linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jinhyungp1/
- tech blog: https://sigridjin.medium.com
- email: [email protected]