This repository is a monorepo that we manage using Lerna. That means that we actually publish several packages to npm from the same codebase, including:
Package | Version | Docs | Description |
joi-phone | README | Joi extension for phone validation | |
joi-query | README | Joi helpers for url query validation | |
koa-acl | README | Koa middleware for ACL handling. | |
koa-boom | README | Koa middleware adding a custom boom method to the context. | |
koa-error-handler | README | Koa middleware for Error Handling | |
koa-health-check | README | Koa middleware mounting the route GET /health. | |
koa-joi-validate | README | Joi validation middleware for Koa using Boom to format errors. | |
koa-k8s-ops-app | README | Creates an OPS-specific Koa application with already mounted middlewares. | |
koa-k8s-probes | README | Koa middleware mounting customizable probes for readiness and liveness checks, especially useful in a Kubernetes runtime context. | |
koa-maintenance | README | Koa middleware to manage maintenance. | |
koa-prometheus | README | Koa middleware exposing Prometheus metrics. | |
koa-prometheus-http-metrics | README | Koa middleware registering Prometheus HTTP metrics. | |
koa-mongoose-model-stream-export | README | Koa middleware mounting routes in order to export Mongoose schema to CSV/JSON. | |
koa-multipart-form | README | Koa middleware handling multipart/form-data. | |
koa-nunjucks | README | Koa middleware adding ctx.render method allowing you to respond with html pages using Nunjucks. | |
koa-query-fields | README | Koa middleware selecting fields from ctx.body depending on ctx.query.fields. | |
koa-visibility | README | Koa middleware hiding fields from ctx.body depending on user roles. | |
monganym | README | Anonymize mongodb database | |
mongoose-archive | README | Mongoose plugin adding the method .archive() to your documents schemas | |
redux-api-middleware | README | Redux middleware for transforming actions into api calls (universal) | |
redux-helpers | README | Redux action / reducer generators and other redux helpers | |
redux-router-transitions-middleware | README | Redux middleware for launching promises before page component initialisations (universal) | |
universal-api-client | README | Axios wrapper for flive-app |