The incache
package provides a simple cache implementation in Go. It can be used as a package in other Go projects to store key-value pairs in memory. The package is safe to use concurrently with multiple goroutines.
To use this package in your Go project, you can install it using go get
go get
package main
import (
incache ""
func main() {
// Create a new Cache Builder
cb := incache.New[string, string](3) // 3 is the maximum number of key-value pairs the cache can hold
// Build the Cache
db := cb.Build()
fmt.Println("keys:", db.Keys())
// Set key-value pairs
db.Set("key1", "value1")
db.Set("key2", "value2")
db.SetWithTimeout("key3", "value3", time.Second)
// Get values by key
value1, ok1 := db.Get("key1")
value2, ok2 := db.Get("key2")
if ok1 {
fmt.Println("Value for key1:", value1)
if ok2 {
fmt.Println("Value for key2:", value2)
// Delete a key
// Transfer data to another database
anotherCB := incache.New[string, string](2)
anotherDB := anotherCB.Build()
// Copy data to another database
copyCB := incache.New[string, string](2)
copyDB := copyCB.Build()
// Retrieve keys
keys := anotherDB.Keys()
fmt.Println("Keys in anotherDB:", keys)
keys = copyDB.Keys()
fmt.Println("Keys in copyDB:", keys)
value3, ok3 := copyDB.Get("key3")
fmt.Printf("ok = %v, value = %v\n", ok3, value3) // ok = false, value =
Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.