EasyNav is an Android App designed to help low-mobility users better navigate to and from locations. EasyNav allows users to search for locations, find directions to a location, and report obstacles and accessibility features in their location.
- Matthew Skay, Shyam Krishnan, Brannon Hanks, Boris Castillo, Rishabh Sharan
- To run this app, download or clone this source code and open it up in a new Android Studio project. To run the app, the Google Play services SDK must be installed in Android Studio. A Google Maps API Key is also needed to run the project, which can be obtained from the Google Maps API website. The android studio emulator is not compatable with Google Maps so an Android phone or tablet is needed to run the app.
Adding native Google search bar:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31136527/add-search-toolbar-over-google-map-like-in-native-android-app -
Noun Project
Arrow - By André Luiz Gollo: https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=directions&i=81696
Report - By Gregor Črešnar: https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=report&i=680027
Zooming out to show all markers:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14828217/android-map-v2-zoom-to-show-all-the-markers -
Parsing and drawing route directions from Google Map Android API V2:
http://www.androidtutorialpoint.com/intermediate/google-maps-draw-path-two-points-using-google-directions-google-map-android-api-v2/ -
Dropping pins http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14519357/android-how-to-add-pin-to-google-maps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5195321/remove-an-onclick-listener https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=android%20can%20you%20unset%20listener