My opinion is to try yourselves before looking into the answer
- Display a message on the screen
- Addition of two integer numbers , taking input from the keyboard
- Multiplication of two floating point numbers
- To convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Print the ASCII value of a character
- Solving a quadratic equation
- Checking whether the given number is odd or even
- Largest among three numbers
- Calculation of income tax, given the annual income using (i) else-if ladder, (ii) switch-case
- Implement a simple calculator with switch-case
- Sum of first N natural numbers
- Count the number of odd and even numbers from the given set of numbers
- To check whether the given number is prime or not
- Count the number of digits of a given number
- Reverse a number
- Sum of first N natural numbers
- Factorial of a number
- Print multiplication table
- Compute Sin(x) using Taylor series approximation given by Sin(x) = x -(x3/3!) + (x5/5!) -(x7/7!) +.......
- Implementation of Calculator using functions
- To find the sum of digits of a number using recursive function
- Printing all the prime numbers in the given range using functions
- Factorial using Recursion
- Identify all the prime numbers from the given set of numbers and convert those into binary in (i) Iterative way (ii) Recursive way
- Nth Fibonacci number using recursion
- Count the frequency of a given letter in the given string
- Count the frequency of a given word in the given text
- Find all the occurrences of a given word and replace it with another word
- Check whether the given string is a palindrome or not
- Insert an element into the correct position in a sorted array (allocate memory for the array dynamically)
- Remove an element from an array
- Add two matrices
- Transpose of a matrix
- Multiply two matrices
- A program which contains a function with an array as parameter and modifies the array to contain its running sum( Eg: parameter [1,2,5, 8], output [1,3,8,16])
- Implement a library with the following features in a menu driven way (i) Add book information (ii) Display book information given accession number (iii) display Book count (iv) Dispay all the books written by a specific author
- Program to store the data of all the students in your class such as Name, Admission number, Class and perform the following operation (i) Add a student (ii) Display the details of all the students (iii) List the students in the alphabetical order of their names
- add two numbers using pointers
- Using pointers , compute the sum, mean and standard deviation of all elements stored in an array of n real numbers
- print all permutations of a given string using pointers
- Count the number of lines in a text file
- program to encrypt a text file and decrypt it
- Sort the given set of elements using (i) Bubble sort (ii) Insertion sort
- Search for an element in the given array using (i) Linear search (ii) Binary Search