a basic version of meeting scheduling API buid using Go
It executes folowing services:
- ○ it is POST request
○ Uses JSON request body
○ works on http://localhost:9090/meetings
○ returns the meeting in JSON format
○ it is a GET request
○ Id is taken as the url parameter
○ works on http://localhost:9090/meeting/id (where id= meeting id)
○ returns the meeting in JSON format
○ its a GET request
○ it works on http://localhost:9090/meeting?StartT=str1&EndT=str2 (where the start and end time is inputed in str1 and str2 respectively)
○ returns meetings in JSON format that are within the time range
○ its a GET request
○ it works on http://localhost:9090/all
○ returns all meetings in JSON format