This application allows ordering Domino's pizzas from the command line. You can manage orders, payments, pizzas, and personal info. You can track your order. The application uses OpenAI to design a pizza using natural language.
You will need to set up an account with OpenAI. Once you've created the key, it will be located here: Copy it into your clipboard for the next step.
Use the following command to set the environment variable. Set the key in the Environment Variables settings dialog to make it permanent.
> set OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-key>
Use the following command to set the environment variable. Put this in your .bashrc or another initialization script to make it permanent.
$ export OPENAI_API_KEY='<your-key>'
Go to OpenAI for more information.
Run the program with no arguments to get started:
$ pizza-time
You will be presented with a menu where you can create and manage orders, pizzas, payments, and personal info. You can also track your order and view your order history.
It's Pizza Time!🍕
1. Place order
2. Manage orders
3. Manage pizzas
4. Manage payments
5. Edit personal info
6. Track order
7. View order history
q. Exit
Once you have created an order, you can place it with one of the following commands:
$ pizza-time --default-order
$ pizza-time --order <order-name>
Don't worry. You will be asked to confirm the order before it is placed.
You can track your order using the following command:
$ pizza-time --track
You can also place an order and track it immediately with the following commands:
$ pizza-time --default-order --track
$ pizza-time --order <order-name> --track
Additional commands:
$ pizza-time --version
$ pizza-time --help
$ pizza-time --debug
Run the following in the solution directory:
$ dotnet build
Run the following in the solution directory:
$ dotnet test
Run the following in the solution directory on Linux:
$ ./install