An advance Ruby on Rails social networking application. It is like mini facebook having features like chat/groups etc. Notable features includes group , group moderation, group chat, global chat, profile update, post, comments, favorites etc..
This project can be used as an example of creating some complex Ruby on Rails app.
There are tons of feature . So I don't want to flood this with screenshots. Thanks
- Latest version of Rails (v5.2.1)
- Login/Logout
- Registration with password reset
- Registration User Email Verifications
- Ability to post
- Ability To follow
- Live Chat with file attachments
- Group Support
- Ability to Search Username
- Good Pagination
- User Profiles
- Live Notifications
- Create Chatrooms
- Live Chatrooms
- Ability to upload avatars
- Ability to comments
- Ability to receive message notifications
- Good flash notifications
- Bootstrap based
- Moderation support
- Roles support
For development we recommend to use sqlite. Feel free to use any database like mysql or sqlite or pgsql.
For windows user you can install imagemagick and add to path and also remember to install redis server on windows. And for database rename
and adjust that file. For Ubuntu LTS (18.04) you can follow the guide. -
Clone this repo
git clone
- Update repository
sudo apt update
- Install Redis Server
sudo apt install redis-server
- Start Redis Server
sudo service redis-server start
- Install Imagemagick
$ sudo apt install imagemagick
- Setup Database
# Install pgsql or any database system you like
$ cp .env.example .env
# After copying please change that file to match database details
- Migrate and Seed this database
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed
- Start rails built in
$ rails s
- Note this default username and password
# You can change default admin username and password from frontend interface or db/seeds.rb file
username: [email protected]
password: admin@123
- Start the sidekiq queue server. If you don't start you will not see live chat like that.
$ bundle exec sidekiq
- Go to your lovely browser and start using this project
- Compile your asset so that they will be minified and production ready.
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
- Install Nginx
- Use capistrano if you like
- Point Nginx to public folder of this project
- Go to
and adjust the database settings - Go to
and enter your website address or ip - Go to
to your appropriate settings
- To run tests:
Will be added soon
If you are windows user we recommend you to use Cloud9 online IDE or use rails installer.
We are very open to contribution. Feel free to contribute and we are very happy to merge your PR.
If you discover any security related issue, please email shirshak55[at]
. All security issues will be addressed properly.
This project has been watered by various contribution and I would like to give them a big shoutout. Your contribution shall be remembered forever <3 Lead Contributor: Gary Traffanstedt
And thanks to other contributors also :) For more info check contributor tab.
Why not star the github repo?
Don't forget me to ask any questions via twitter! or issue tab?
I would like to thank DHH for creating Ruby on Rails and all the maintainer of gems making this project possible. This project took like 1 month to build but it wouldn't be possible without the opensource technology.
Thank You! Shirshak Bajgain