A simple program to test the connection to a database via JDBC
- java jdk 1.7 or greater
- mvn 3.0 or greater
- build with "mvn clean install"
- copy jdbctest.props.sample to jdbctest.props
- edit the -cp argument in run.sh to point to your driver jar instead of the current Oracle driver
- run with ./run.sh
This program will test a connection and query to a database via JDBC
To use this test class copy jdbctest.props.sample to jdbctest.props and edit to match your database information. All parameters in the jdbctest.props are required except sid, db.server.name and db.url. If db.url is not provided then it is assumed you are connecting to Oracle and a url will be generated using the sid (which is then required). If db.server.name is not provided the server name and port number are parsed from the db.url, which is then required.
A jdbc library matching your db system must be included in the classpath when running.