released this
29 Jun 18:14
Merge pull request #72 from shikimori/popup-refactor (7c2f2be )
misc style update (2e6bf6a )
vue3-keypress cannot be loaded asynchronously (096c36b )
updates to headline component (a3d1fd3 )
remove not needed v-deep (d78985d )
simlier colors.vue logic (7c4eb5a )
refactor headliens to use PopupContent component (ddf5728 )
fix keypress.js not being loaded because of stupid ublock rules (69d40bb )
misc demo layout changes (bb24f3b )
some popup updates (9b9a43e )
fix broken popup close logic (73aebde )
fix incorrect popup sizes in different cases (e4a3fe0 )
extarct popperjs from chunk to the main bundle (cd8d3f6 )
code cleanup (6fda358 )
refactor colors component (e0aaacf )
fix misc code duplication (a732f78 )
finihsed refactoring smileys and popupcontent (f2d651f )
some styling fixes and popup close logic (0424a58 )
positioning by ref (37413ae )
continue refactoring popup logic (b335f6d )
bump demo vue version (ae70cb2 )
Merge pull request #71 from shikimori/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/demo/shell-quote-1.7.3 (9dea417 )
refactoring popups code (6df1cf2 )
eslint with vue3 support (4fe43e4 )
Bump shell-quote from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 in /demo (1212270 )
fix sass issues (226cfb3 )
replace node-sass with sass&sass-loader in demo project (cbebb90 )
Merge pull request #69 from shikimori/feature/headers (b2a83f1 )
Merge pull request #68 from shikimori/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ansi-regex-5.0.1 (0d0aa18 )
Merge pull request #70 from shikimori/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/demo/eventsource-1.1.1 (f9d2a7f )
Bump eventsource from 1.0.7 to 1.1.1 in /demo (9dca90a )
Headers and Headlines (bbf8a91 )
#2178 / #2105: Added icons for Header and Fontsize (5080984 )
bump popperjs (ef1da0c )
Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 (120711b )
You can’t perform that action at this time.