Horus let you transform your raspberry pi 0 (raspiOS buster lite) in an spy camera that can be concealed inside a purse or a handbag.
It could be usefull during a red team engagement when you need to take pictures:
of you tailgating someone to penetrate a building
of you pluging malicious usb key on unlocked workstations
of you climbing a fence or a wall
of confidential documents
You don't have to use your phone anymore in a suspicious way, just start the app once to record everything or take a picture.
To install, execute the install.sh script
sudo bash install.sh
Now you should have the application running as a horus service. You could access the application using your browser:
Then you'd like to configure your raspberry pi to work as an access point to connect to it during your engagement. I used the raspap tool to do that (https://github.com/RaspAP/raspap-webgui)
curl -sL https://install.raspap.com | bash
(Don't forget to set the "WLAN country" option using sudo raspi-config)