Goal os this project is to produce a worthy configurable remote control for XBMC.
I am also using this as a learning project to explore some of the latest mobile and javascript frameworks.
- JQuery Mobile - mobile framework
- JQuery - js framework
- Handlebars.js - template framework
- Require.js - AMD loader
- Backbone.js - MV* framework
- Crossroads.js - Routing framework
- XBMC Pre Eden JASON interface
cd xbmcRemote
git clone https://github.com/sheebz/xbmcRemote.git .
rm -rf .git
- Due to same origin policy, need to run web browser with security disabled.
open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security
* Project runs under express server, need to install node and express.
``` bash
cd xbmcRemote
node build server